Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday Photohunt - Colourful

You want to tell these hunky French rugby players that pink is a bit girly?!
To take part in Saturday Photohunt, visit tnchick


jams o donnell said...

Hmm it is bright and they are very manly sortt... Great choice Liz!

CalumCarr said...

I'll let you tell them.

But why can pink not be a male colour too? Partick Thistle's - Scottish football team - away strip this season is pink and they're getting stick too.

This is simply sexual stereotyping - pink for girls and blue for boys. Aaaagh!

Colin Campbell said...

Beaut mate. I want one of those. Are you in that group?

Anonymous said...

LOL. Thanks for sharing something that made me smile! :) :) :) Pink for guys' clothings seem like the fad nowadays.

Here's my PhotoHunt entry as well:
Colorful Czech glassworks at the Old Town

Happy weekend!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Who cares about the pink...look at those lovely buns!

Hootin Anni said...

I LIKE the colors! Pink or IS colorful.

My colorful is posted...stop by if you can find time.

Happy Hunting!

Anonymous said...

o m g...this is a first for me! ;) i'm glad the guys pulled it off.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a bright pink...Happy hunting!

Katney said...

You have to admit that it does stand out against a crowd.

Siani said...

I think they may be gender-confused - pink and blue, LOL. Not that I believe in any of that :). Great choice for this week's theme. Hope you're having a lovely weekend, despite the vile weather. How's George? Is he feeling better?

lucy said... that is a statement and a great pic!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Yikes, that's certainly colorful! Easier to see them on the green, I guess! lol

I also did Photo Hunt. Come share your link! :)

Ingrid said...

Wow ! they are really colorful and in pink, hahaha !

RobW said...

From a distance I might

Anonymous said...

It might be stereotyping but... well.
Made me think of 'A Boy Called Sue.'

Anonymous said...

It looks like their whites in the wash with a red sock...

Dragonstar said...

If that lot wants to wear pink, who am I to complain? I'm more likely to object on aesthetic grounds - it's a pukey colour-scheme!

In answer to your question; yes, sorrel is normally green and much bigger, but in times of stress it can turn red. I took this some weeks ago after a long dry spell - it's not dry now!!!

jmb said...

Fabulous photo Liz, but better with no shirts. Love Mutley's comment!

Barbara said...

Great photo and very pink!

Anonymous said...

love the photo :0)

Anonymous said...

LOL!! That is the BEST "colorful" in the FUNNY category!!

Thanks for brightening up my day! :-)

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

lol...that is a very odd colour for a soccer team, put perfect for photo hunt

CherryPie said...

That really is colourful, did they really wear those?!

Rose said...

I've always said it takes a man with a strong sense of masculinity to wear pink--I don't think these guys need to worry!

Mean Mom said...

It's a great and colourful photo! I'm not totally against men wearing pink, but that is a shade of pink that even I wouldn't wear! Mutley's comment is the best!

Leslie: said...

Any man who wears that colour is not one I'd want to tackle...if I were a man, that is. ;)

Baker Watson said...

LOL - Great choice for the theme. Colorful and a bit of a surprise, too. Maybe the players can survive wearing the pink but you have to think about all the fans wearing the team's colors. Glad my team doesn't wear pink is all I can say.

(We appreciate your dropping by and the kind comments.)

Susan said...

My 11 year old son says that real men aren't afraid to wear pink!

Tim Atkinson said...

And he's right! Good on 'im. Still, the rugby-team is now Sally's favourite 'cos she likes the strip. She made me paint her bedroom pink, in spite of offering her dozens of alternatives. Can it really be conditioning?!