Last night there was a party at Zac's to say goodbye to Ros and Glenn (although it's only Glenn who is going initially).
There was a great turn-out demonstrating the effect they've had on all sorts of people - Zac's regulars including street people, God Squadders, members of bike clubs including outlaw clubs, and others who've just come into contactwith the couple - in the two and a half years they've been here. I was responsible for some of the catering and here Blossum samples the coq au vin (or chicken stew). If I never see another chicken thigh it will be too soon.
Of course a night at Zac's wouldn't be complete without Gerry's drunkenness tipping him into meltdown. Blossum and Bas gently escorted him outside and stayed with him until he'd cooled down. That's Bas in the middle of this photo of God Squadders (Christian motor-bikers), from left, Tony, Glenn, Bas, Sean and an Aussie whose name escapes me, sorry.
Glenn and Ros will be so missed for all sorts of reasons including Glenn's handyman's skills and Ros's weekly cakes. But far more for their love and respect, their attitude and compassion, and their spirituality expressed in practicality, prayers, and a hug.
I pray that God takes them safely home to Australia (although I am quite annoyed that God hasn't told them to stay here longer!) and that what they've been part of here will be of as much benefit to them as they've been to us.
Food looks good :0)
Sounds like they will be missed.
Thanks so much Liz for such great food for the eve. Oh yes, the mystery Aussie - that'd be 'Fester'!
Look who this is - we are on!Thanks Liz for your huge effort putting on the party. Do you want to come to our place for dinner - we weren't allowed to bring anything! Don't be surprised if we turn up back here again!
Well why is one photo on top of another in this post? No other problems that I can see with the blog. Comments are still slow coming up but the blog is much faster. So I read all the posts then just comment on one otherwise I would never get around to my other blog friends. Congrats on the awards and a big hug and kiss to George, if you can get between the bits of wood. That dog!
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