Thursday, July 03, 2008

No wonder M&S is making a loss

The weather forecast for south-west France isn't good. 'What I need is a plastic mac!' I told George. 'One of those roll up in a bag ones.'

Do you know? You can't get a plastic mac for love nor money.

I went first to M&S thinking that's a sensible grown-up sort of shop that will sell plastic macs; they didn't. Obviously all their customers go to hot places for their holidays. Probably cruises. They had plenty of cruise-type stuff.

Then I went to a cheap and cheerful shop aimed at the younger market. That was a silly idea too.

So no plastic mac for me. I know you can get them in the garden centre but they're pull-over-your-head ones and I wanted a fly-open-in-the-wind one.

Ah well, looking at the expected temperatures, a thick fleece will probably be better anyway.


Furtheron said...

mrsnesbitt said...

I HAVE ONE YOU CAN BORROW...I GOT IT FROM MILLETS. ITS A PAC A MAC! Fully waterproof!I got it for Assen/Isle of Man.....give me a shout!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Agree with you re M&S. I get very funny looks here when I unravel my plastic mac [from the sadly missed
Morgan's of Cardiff].

Dragonstar said...

M&S is much too upmarket these days!

Suburbia said...

Are you off to the south of France then?

sally in norfolk said...

millets do lovely ones all bright and colourful and pac away in a sac too :-) you can have matching wellies too lol

CherryPie said...

Agree with D and Sally, Millets is the place to go :-)