Wednesday, July 02, 2008

George likes to help in the kitchen


Dragonstar said...

George is getting a bit big for that! Badger likes to help in exactly that position, but I've had plenty of space today - she's not too well again.

mrsnesbitt said...

Wilma likes to help in the kitchen too...........she's being a great help as we speak. She's eating her hide bone....she'll sleep soon!

(I HOPE!!!)

Anonymous said...

He knows you suffer from cold feet?

Susan said...

My Godlen loves to be in the kitchen when we are in there~But thaen again she would sleep in my bed if allowed.

Susan said...

oops that should be my Golden not Godlen! Sorry

CherryPie said...

LOL xx

Liz Hinds said...

Poor old Badger. I hope she perks up again, dragonstar.

Wilma is even bigger than george so that must be fun, denise!

You're too generous to him, lola!

susan, yes, george likes to be where we are. He's lying by my feet and he's just farted!

cherrypie, indeed!

MissKris said...

Little Miss Chloe dog's favorite place is right BEHIND my feet in the kitchen. But she's a whiz at darting to the front if any morsel happens to hit the floor. Can't tell you how many times I've tripped over her.