Tuesday, July 01, 2008

George here!

I asked my mum if I could have my own blog like Wilma but she said no 'but you can do a guest post on my blog if you want,' so here I am. I think it's time you heard my side of the story.

When my mum is busy I get bored. Sometimes I take myself for a walk. If mum sees me trying to get over or under or through the fence she shouts at me, 'No, George! Come back here!' Sometimes.

But other times she says, 'Stay there, George, while I get my camera.'

If she doesn't notice me and I manage to escape and set off down the road to visit my friends (they are my friends - I can tell by the way they growl at me) she comes running after me. Sometimes she shouts, 'Come back here, you ratbag!' But other times she says, in her nice voice, 'Come on, George, there's a good boy, come and have a treat.' Of course I go to her then!

So, you see, life is confusing for a 9-month-old puppy. Grown-ups change their minds all the time.

And as for chewing things, well, my teeth itch. She told me she had shown you a photo of what I'd done to my chair. Notice - MY chair! Anyway, it tasted nice.

And, what's more, she gives me her yogurt pot to lick but when I help myself to the empty - notice empty - beetroot pack she shouts at me. She doesn't know what she's doing! But I let her off; I put it down to her age. Dad says she's at a funny age.
'What? What you doing? Let go! Waah, get off me! Let me just press the publi ...'


Dragonstar said...

Clever George! You managed to publish in spite of all your problems. There are three hairy people here who would agree that humans are confusing. A great amount of tact can be required - but then, you've probably realised that.
Have a nice day.

James Higham said...

Humans, from a dog's point of view, must be perplexing.

Anonymous said...

Dear George

I am so sorry your mum won't let you have your own blog. I have found it most liberating to write down my stories although Shirl & Mr Shirl do have the annoying habit of poking their noses in from time to time.

I look forward to more of your guest posts. It is so important for you to vent your feelings by journaling. More people & animals should do that - the world would be a much happier place. No road rage and ankle bites, for a start.

Love Lola xx

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwww George, it took me ages to persuade mummy to get her finger out and sort out a blog for me.....to be honest some days she doesn't have very good days and so I thought if I could get her out more it would help her....well it seems to be working! I wont be blogging every day but just see how things go.

Missed you whilst I was away!


Lindsay said...

I would love to get my paws a tap tap tapping but I am too short to reach the keyboard! Love from Rescue Dog

Rose said...

Dear George,

You will learn in time how to handle these humans. With a little skillful manipulation, they can be trained to accommodate your every whim. Of course I am a feline and we are the masters of emotional manipulation, but even the small canine who lives with me has the Humans under his total control. You are still young, and I assure you all your childish misdeeds are forgiven; Humans seem to have a fondness for young ones.

If you are patient, your Mum might even let you have your own blog. I have no interest in such things, although the Woman here let me write a guest post last Friday. I do give her ideas for writing, but I am on to more literary pursuits, working on my first novel. I'm considering titling it "The Adventures of the Great White Hunter."

It's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance, George; I've often seen the Woman here laughing while reading of your adventures.

Toby (The Cat)

Susan said...

Good for you George! I hope she will let you do this again. But don't get mad at me for not telling everyone at my house you get the chance to blog. If I did they would be jealous and want to do the same and 4 cats, 1 dog, and the army of hamsters would prevent me an opportunity to blog myself. This is my sanity!! I need this bad!

Suburbia said...

George you are growing fast, you can even reach the keyboard now, and spell better than me!
Does she really call you 'rat bag'?!

Barbara said...

Good to hear your side of the story George, I hope you will be allowed to blog again, maybe if you don't keep running away she will let you have a blog!!

jmb said...

Poor you George, life is very confusing for a 9 month old Golden Retriever but you seem to be getting by on your good looks and I'm sure you'll get the idea eventually. Well a good idea instead of all the bad ones you've had up till now.

Reader Wil said...

You're a good writer, George! You must have inherited from your mummy!It is a great story!I enjoyed reading it!

CherryPie said...

Hello George. Look after your Mum ;-)