Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What not to do

We had a very heavy downpour this morning that left the long grass, that George and I had to walk through, very wet. My walking trousers are a little long and as I was walking I suddenly realised that I was, subconsciously, attempting to shorten them by tucking them into my knicker legs.


It's fine in the house and even the garden is probably okay. (Well, the back garden anyway.) But I really must try not to do these things in public. I'll be getting a reputation.


Suburbia said...

Hee Hee! A photo needed for this one!!

Leslie: said...

I agree...would like to see THAT! lol

Maggie May said...

Yes.... come on. A photo is in order!

Reader Wil said...

Yes a photo would be nice! I wanted to thank you for the extra information about the name of Swansea being of Viking origine!

Lindsay said...

You should have taken them off - George would not have minded!

Liz Hinds said...

I always have my camera with me so I could have done ... but no, now stop encouraging me!!

Dragonstar said...

Errr - hate to be a spoilsport here, but - why not just roll them up from the cuffs?
A self-portrait? Yes, I'll join the majority. I'm evil enough to want to know just what sort of contortions would be needed!!!

Maria Verivaki said...

i disagree - do it anyway.

byt the way, the spinach pastries probably didnt have malaka in them, we usually use malaka in cheese-only pastries...

CherryPie said...

Yes a photo is needed ;-)

jams o donnell said...

Come on Liz... Photo! Photo!

James Higham said...

Everyone wants a photo, stranger.

Unknown said...

Oh! You must live is a most judgmental community!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Did George realise?!

thouartloosed said...

Stumbled upon your blog and enjoy it so much.