Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sitting on the fence

Or The Great Escape Part II

In this instance George didn't escape but on numerous other occasions he either fell or jumped off the fence on the other side.


Anonymous said...

I know I should'nt laugh....*snigger*

re:Foo fighters look on my blog - post titled 'awesome'

Anonymous said...

George is part canine, part feline, isn't he? Harvey would despair of him!

Furtheron said...

very very funny

DeeJay said...

He looks as though he is expecting visitors and is waiting to greet them.
Does he pine for your husband during the week?

Dragonstar said...

He's a great climber. But the bit I like best is you filming him trying to escape!!!

Ingrid said...

What a funny video you made there the music fits so well, I am still laughing ! Now George is ready to work for a circus, lol ! and yes I am sure the grass is greener and better on the other side !

CherryPie said...


Now I know what the problem is... He thinks he is a cat ;-)

Leslie: said...

Love the "Great Escape" music to go along with the video. Maybe you could build him a lookout tower on the property - he could have a good look around but it'd be too high to jump from. ;D

Liz Hinds said...

The children said, 'shouldn't you have stopped him rather than filming him?' but that would have spoiled my fun!

book owl, he might well be. And part beaver judging by the amount of wood he eats. (Do beavers eat wood?!)

furtheron, it was ... but it gets beyond a joke when i have to run down the road in my nightie!

deejay, I don't know if anyone has walked past when he is on the fence; it could be quite intimidating!

dragonstar, well, I had to, didn't I?!

gattina, next cirus that comes to town I'm offering him to them!

cherrypie, he is certainly a confused dog!

leslie, if he was content with just looking it would be all right ...!