Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday Photohunt - Water

High tide on a stormy day in Swansea Marina.

To take part in Saturday Photohunt, visit tnchick.



Write From Karen said...

Oh wow, what an eerie, but pretty picture. Is the color natural? It really gives the whole picture a surreal feel.

Write From Karen

Anonymous said...

Wow..... that looks rough! What a great capture! Have a wonderful week.

Anonymous said...

Oh Gosh..when was this photo taken? great shot! I have been to the UK but didn't have chance to see Swansea then. Hope I have got the chance to pay a visit to the UK again.

Trinity said...

Whoa!!! Really rough but beautiful!! Just like postcard!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Dramatic! Excellent shot.

Anonymous said...

That's such a strong tide!

My photo hunt pictures are posted in these blogs:

Shutter Happenings
Le Kulitszie Familie

Hope you could drop by if you have time. Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Ominous! Particularly at full resolution. Great photo that delivers... I feel wet just from looking at it...

Anonymous said...

Dramatic! Good choice to keep it monochrome...adds to the drama. Bravo!

Unknown said...

That's an awesome picture!

The gray of the day and the power of the sea. Very Very cool!

Suburbia said...

Hi Liz thanks for the birthday wishes, there's some cake lf left if you want some! :)

CherryPie said...

oh wow! that is a really dramatic shot :-) I love it!

Ingrid said...

My goodness ! how terrible ! that's the first water catastrophe I see today !

jmb said...

Wow, Liz. That's some photo. Must have been scary taking it. Have a good weekend and don't let that husband damage himself.

~Amber~ said...

Beautiful and powerful shot!

Anonymous said...

what a great shot! definitely a keeper!

thanks for your visit

jams o donnell said...

Wow that's an amzing shot Liz. It really does capture the power of the sea. Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Ooh - nice shot. I love watching the waves along the Marina when the sea's rough. Except when I got drenched! Hope you're having a great weekend, despite the vile weather.

kaycee said...

great capture! excellent =)

Baht At said...

very nice .... the photo not the sea that is.

Dragonstar said...

Wonderfully dramatic photo! You had a real sea running there. I always loved watching the sea on stormy days - as long as we didn't need to go out!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I like that. Nice job! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope the rockets take off safely and catch those welsh UFOEs...

hy the way I have had to repeat typing in the 'letters recognition thing three times so far... whats it for exactly?

Barbara said...

Brilliant photo- very dramatic, I love the stormy sky.

Anonymous said...

Lurve the photo :0)

Like how the railings curve to frame the shot.

Claudia said...

Thanks for visiting mine.
Impressive shot and awe inspiring!

Rose said...

Great photo, but glad I wasn't the one taking it!

Jama said...

that sure look scary!

Anonymous said...

I'm not doing PH at the moment but this picture has to be praised... I love it!

jenny said...

Wow! very cool pic!
Have a great week!

Colin Campbell said...

Fantastic shot. Have you played with it. I miss wild storms. We just don't get them that much here.

The only storms I have seen recently have been on the Blogpower Mailing List :)

Leslie: said...

Wow! I love this shot. It would be fun to see the water like that as long as you know you can escape inside for some hot tea. :D

Petrus said...

This picture captures the essence of our seaside - would imagine it's a great walk along the promenade with the dog and all the waves crashing around.

Great picture.