Sunday, June 29, 2008

A post about blogging

Over on Nourishing Obscurity, James has a post about the top ten bloggers he has problems accessing - and I'm in at number 3! Apparently my site is very slow to load. In the replies some bloggers agree, others don't.

I know some have had problems in the past getting onto this blog but I thought by removing the music, I'd sorted that out. I really don't know why my blog should take a long time to load but I apologise if it does and thank you for persevering. Cherrypie is very kindly helping me to work out possible reasons why.

Do you get problems loading this blog?
Does it freeze on you?
Is it very slow?
Anything else?

Answers on a postcard or in Comments please.


CherryPie said...

How about in an email :-)

MissKris said...

When I had dial-up, your blog used to take forever to load up but I didn't mind all that much because I've always loved visiting here. Hmmmm...I didn't notice before coming here to comment if you still have your little wiggly animated Welsh flag towards the top left of your home page. In the past, with dial-up, any blog I'd visit that had animated gifs or glitter gifs or anything that took more memory could really slow things down. Yours is still one of the slower ones to load for me...maybe 5 seconds compared to 1 or 2, ha!...but I no longer have time to go make my bed while I waited for it to load in the past!

Suburbia said...

Hi Liz, sometimes, just as you're about to press the comments bit, the whole thing disappears!! I was wondering if it was the quality of my comments that it was adversed to!!

However I was also wondering (seriously) whether it was your flag that slows everything down?

Always worth the wait though!

Baht At said...

Trouble wit steam t'internet is that it can be so fast sometimes that people lose patience when things take their own pace.

Me I just do something else while your site is loading

Shades said...

I used to have trouble (it used to crash my browser) but it hs been fine for a while now.

Anonymous said...

I have no problems with loading your page on my PC via broadband.
I am glad that you don't have music on your blog as I find it so distracting when I visit others who have.
Wendy (Wales)

Anonymous said...

I've sent you a email as suggested by Cherrypie, Liz. Nothing heavy - nothing to get overexcited about at all. Blogging is meant to be freely accessible to both the readers - and the writers!

Leslie: said...

It's a bit slow, but worth the wait.

CherryPie said...

Yes Leslie always worth the wait :-)

Liz Hinds said...

Okay, I've done some tidying up - thanks to Cherrypie for the help and everyone else for advice - so let's see if anything improves. My tidying up has been more by luck than judgement as I don't have a clue what anything means html-wise but I'm still here! Unless I've now programmed my blog to self-destruct at midnight.

Barbara said...

I have never had problems with your blog being slow to load, isn't the problem at the other end - I mean the person who is uploading the blog? Maybe I am just lucky.

Rose said...

I don't have trouble downloading (or uploading, whatever it is), but like Suburbia, sometimes when I hit the comments button or the scroll bar, parts or all of a post disappear temporarily. I thought you were doing more of that invisible writing!
I just keep fooling around with it until it all comes back--wouldn't want to miss anything!

Furtheron said...

Your blog does seem to be slow loading at times... I blame the animated Welsh flag ... :-)

However - you always have something worth reading so if it is a while a slurp of tea and I'll happily wait.

Anonymous said...

Your template comes up quickly enough - the contents take a little longer. I am used to it now and don't let it bother me.

Mauigirl said...

Hi Liz! Sorry to have been out of the blogworld for a couple of weeks - been very busy at work.

I've never had a problem loading your blog, but my own blog seems to take forever. I've done the same things - gotten rid of stuff on my sidebar, widgets that have to load, and so on. But if I use my husband's new laptop it loads in no time, so it may just depend on how up to date one's computer processor is. His is a dual core processor and mine isn't.

Liz Hinds said...

I can't see any difference in the speed of loading now that I've changed things but maybe you can?!

Andrew Allison said...

I have started using Firefox and I have found everything works much faster than Internet Explorer. I had no problems loading your blog tonight.

jmb said...

I have always found it very slow to load Liz and it still is rather, which is why I only comment on one post if you post more than one per visit. But I usually solve it by letting you load in one tab while I check out somewhere else.

I once read that a template with a sidebar on the left rather than the right is slow to load because all the sidebar has to all load before the main text does. Although some people have three column blogs and not all of those are slow to load.

The comment section seems slow to load too. Good luck with fixing it.

Katney said...

There are a couple of blogs that close down my browser. Don't know why. But yours has never caused me any problems and the only reason I have not been by to say hi for a week or so is because I have been gone a week or so.

Might have been slow when I had dial up, though.

I find music annoying on a blog as sometimes it is not something I would want to listen to and sometimes it clashes with my radio.

CherryPie said...

I think your page loads as fast as any other blogger page now.

The different templates seem to load in a different order.

If you look at mine the white background messes around for quite a time...