So, yesterday I had a fitness check.
Our church is supporting Mutende childrens' village in Zambia and we're trying to raise £35,000 for a new building. Someone came up with this bright idea: pay £25, have a fitness check and be set targets to aim for over the next three months. £15 will go towards Mutende and £10 into the prize kitty, which will either all go to the winner or be shared among a number of winners, winners being the people Jules (circuit trainer and qualified personal trainer) judges to have most improved.
So I duly went along, was weighed and checked and did fitness and flexibility tests. We get sent our targets in a week or so. I know I'm a stone overweight (according to height/weight charts) but my BMI was fine as was my blood pressure, and my resting heart rate was 'awesome'! Hey, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's resting!
I'm also very flexible. It's just anything that involves movement that I need to improve on! So watch this space and follow my progress with ... something or other. My brain is falling asleep; we were late getting home last night.
My blood pressure has dropped a LOT since my surgery. It sounds like you're in pretty good shape, Liz...let's hope it all comes back good!
I think resting is good! In fact you are resting whilst blogging aren't you, appart from your fingers that is! Does exercising fingers count as exercise (please say it does)?!
It's rockin' to that rock 'n roll music that's keeping you fit, Liz - keep on keeping on!
"Only" a stone over? Lucky you! Since my back has deteriorated so rapidly since the new year, I've been unable to walk far. I'm afraid what I lost is going to start creeping back on. I'll see what the surgeon has to say in August and hopefully I can have surgery to fix it and then once I'm all better, get going on the exercise bike and treadmill again. Looking forward to seeing your results. :D
Good for you Liz. I'm overweight, by more than a stone, but I'm still very flexible for my age.
Let's hope you get motivated and win the pot.
How many press ups Liz :p I'd wish you luck to win, but you'll be hard pressed to beat me :p haha
Training starts tommorrow! :D
I'm reasonably fit but very not flexible.... I should strech more... :-)
Good for you Liz. What a relief to know that you are so healthy.
does runnning around a toddler count as exercise?
I've blogged please talk to me I'm getting loney in cyberspace!!
kris, at least something good resulted from your surgery then!
suburbia, of course it does. Calories just fly by as you type.
lee, indeed, jumping round the kitchen does help!
leslie, that's annoying to lose weight and then for reasons beyond your control for it to creep back on. So much easier to gain than to lose.
I think women tend to be more flexible, jmb, or that's the way it seems.
tim, right you're on! 19 press-ups and 17 sit-ups. No, wait, the other way round.
Flexibility is important as we get older, furtheron. helps prevent broken bits.
hullaballoo, sometimes it doesn't seem it!
hippy mama, of course, that's the very best exercise!
Good luck!
I'm great at resting too.
And eating!
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