Thursday, June 12, 2008

I don't care what the weatherman says

Younger Son tells me the heatwave is over. 'It said so on the news.'
'Yeah, I know. I thought it was just summer too.'



Anonymous said...

It's all a matter of expectation - I live in UK therefore I expect the summer to have rainy days. I accept the fact. Gradually, I am realising maybe I should be expecting the rainy days to have some summery ones among them. I will struggle to accept this new fact.

MissKris said...

Here in Portland we've been having record COLD temperatures for June...the dreary gray skies and rain have gone on forever and ever and ever this past Winter/Spring. It dumped close to a foot of snow up at Mt. Hood...there's still something like 12 FEET of snow up there, very deep for this time of year. About now, most of the ski resorts are closing or have closed already. Global warming?!? What's THAT?!?

Anonymous said...


I'm here visiting today because I've received complaints about the bloggers over 50 blog roll having members on the list not having the blog roll or the link to the blog roll's home page on their blog.

If, when a week's time is over, I'll stop by and re-check to see if you've updated your sidebar on your blog, including a link or the blogroll itself.

If it's not visible, I will assume you no longer want to be part of the over 50 bloggers membership and take your blog link off the list.

Sorry, but in all fairness, the instructions do say you must have this included on your blog somewhere for others who are using the list to visit. It should be accessible somehow.

Katney said...

You saw my commentary about the weather? No heat wave here. Provides for new adventures. First time they've plwed the pass in June in 30 years. And some record broken that was set in 1894--record low for the date, I think.

Anonymous said...

Its bright and sunny here - honestly you english worry about the weather too much...

Anonymous said...

You are never over 50 are you Liz?! I think you fibbed to get on wystfuls list....

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

26 C here and they're all complaining because there is a slight breeze - "not like summer".

CherryPie said...

*whispers* It got a bit summer like again this evening!

Barbara said...

Heatwave - I missed that day!!