Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hullaballoo's poem

Hullabalovely wrote a poem for me! No-one's ever done that before! Well, actually it was a poem to my shoes. So in honour of the poem I thought I should take a photo of my shoes - the ones I wear everywhere every day. And now I have I see that I really really need new shoes to live up to the wonders of the poem.

Hullaballoo's pome
Your sandals are funky, dazzling and strappy
Your wellies are bold, zany and sassy
Your trainers are sparkly, unusual and happy
You've been making them smile since you were in nappies.


XXYXX said...

Liz - you need to call 999 and demand emergency shoe services NOW! OMG! They make my shoes seem snazzy!

Anonymous said...

Awwww Liz sweetheart, thank you for posting my poem.

We are going on a shopping spree together. I can feel it in my waters. For under 100 quid, we could get you marvellously shod, with a spring in your step and a twinkle in your gorgeous eyes.

And I won't take no for an answer.

{{{Liz}}}} Why do we mothers think we should come last in the family when it comes to treating ourselves? Go on, you're worth it.

Anonymous said...

lovley poem and erm, well loved shoes ;0)

Unknown said...

Darling poem! Delightful presentation!

Leslie: said... I need to tell you? they um...smell?

LOL You DO need new shoes - desperately! I'm packing my bag right now and taking you out shoe shopping! LOL

Ingrid said...

There is no doubt about that : these shoes have done their job, lol !

jmb said...

Well there is obviously no drought in your part of the world!

Maggie May said...

Good wholesome Welsh foot wear that!

Gledwood said...

did you make "improvements" on the wellies yourself? or buy them that way??

if you: how did u do it and get it to stay ON???

ps sorry not to have been by: chaos (what's new??)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Love the verse - and the wellies!

Suburbia said... really do need some new footwear!
So lovely of Hullabalovely to poem you :)

James Higham said...

Well that's a delight. One day someone will write me a poem, sob, sob and all that.