Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Five times but who's counting?

I stop George escaping three times. I am sitting at my desk trying to work when Younger Son comes in. He says, 'I think you should look through the window.'
George is walking down the road outside.

It is a beautiful day. George could have free run of the garden (large enough for an average dog) if he could be trusted. As it is he has to be shut in. When I let him out later he escapes again. I wander down the road in search. I spot one open French door and really really hope he hasn't gone in through that.

Eventually I find him nosing around the neighbour's open van. He is so blatantly nosey! I despair.

I should explain that George was already on the other side of this tumbledown bit of the fence by the time I'd fetched the camera. When he disappears at the end, he's on the outside!

And he knew I was filming him. I was only a few feet away and he was calmly ignoring my instructions to 'come back in here, George!'



Rose said...

I'm glad to see that George had no ill effects from the "happy pills" he took the other day!

Reader Wil said...

Lovely to see George!

Anonymous said...


CherryPie said...

Isn't he cheeky!

Katney said...

I have to say it again:

Oh, George!!!!!

Leslie: said...

Is that music from the move "The Great Escape?" LOL

Suburbia said...

Love it!!

Isn't he cute?!

Barbara said...

Oh dear George is such a pickle!