Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm from Venus

There was a new girl in Zac's. She'd moved into the area and had come along with a friend. Afterwards we were talking and she asked me where I came from. For some reason I couldn't work out what the question meant.

I suppose I was vaguely thinking, 'Does she mean which church? Or where do I live? Or where was I born? Or Venus?' Whatever, I was staring at her vaguely. Eventually Bas, who was standing next to me, said, 'Swansea!'
'Yes! That's right. I'm from Swansea.'

She must have thought I was a complete pillock.


Dragonstar said...

I'm glad you do it too. Makes me feel less alone.

James Higham said...

Best they don't ask me that question.

mdmhvonpa said...

For me, that's a tricky question too ... I was BORN in one place, moved around A LOT and have spent the last 12yr in the same spot. In fact, I've lived in my current home longer than I have lived anywhere at any point in time.

Charles-A. Rovira said...

I usually just say "That's a l-o-o-n-g story..."

In my case, it just happens to be true. I make peripatetic leeches seem sedentary. :-)

CherryPie said...

I have those moments often :-/

Wolfie said...

My punchline was...

"From my Mother's whom untimely ripped".

I didn't get laid either.

Jules said...

I vote for giving her the Venus answer. It would have made her wonder, kept her on her toes and all that.
I'm going to have to remember that answer the next time someone asks me that question. I love it. :)

Leslie: said...

I like the "Venus" answer. ;D

Liz Hinds said...

Why can a simple question do that to us, dragonstar, cherrypie?!

James, perhaps I'll have to pass a meme onto you so we can find out.

mdm and Charles, so perhaps it's not a simple question then.

I'm not surprised with that answer, wolfie.

jules, leslie, so we'll opt for Venus in future, shall we?

jules, thanks for visiting!