Tra ra! I've started a new novel!
Writing one that is. Now the heroine is a 28-year-old independent, quite tough, young woman. I want her to say 'for goodness sake' or its equivalent. I think she would say 'for f***'s sake' but I get a hot flush just typing that. I won't use God or Christ so can you suggest a suitable alternative?
Can't think of one off hand but will keep my ears out! (is that a saying? doesn't sound right)
For pity's sake too tame I guess.
Why not go for a hotter flush with, "F******g hell"?
I guess "For Pete's sake" is too tame, also. ???
I "could" give you some REALLY hot flush expressions...of course, I'd never say them out loud, though. Does God know what I type??? lol
what about WTF, just the three letters?
How about "for crying out loud!" as an alternative?
Hmm, some good suggestions there. I am trying them out in my head and I'll see which one suits her best as the story develops.
Thank you all.
btw, suburbia, I keep my ears out all the time: they're made that way, sort of dumbo-like.
Not one you'd use!!
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