Monday, February 04, 2008

A writer's dream

From a letter in ... bother, I tore it out and don't know what newpspaer it is from. Either the Times (probably) or the Independent. Husband brings them home from hotels with him.

Anyway this letter was reminding readers of a headline from ... another newspaper, from many years ago when Michael Foot was chairing a group, in the EU, fighting to get rid of the nuclear bomb. The headline read, Foot heads arms body.

The headline writer probably never bettered that one.

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Blogger still won't spell-check for me. And MyBlogLog has lost my photo. Or possibly my identity. I am a non-person.

James, in the comments on the previous posts, says he thought he might have offended me with his dig at the Welsh. Well, James, I've read through all your posts and I can't find the dig. Am I particularly dense?

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My friend is waiting for contact lenses. They are her first pair. She currently wears varifocals but these new lenses can cope with that by ... wait for it ... having one lens (in her case the right one) for long distance vision and one lens (left) for short-distance. She tried some out before she ordered them and said it was fine although it helped if she covered the spare eye.

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Also in the paper, the 15 most important UK locations for slime have been identified by researchers.

Why can't Younger Son get a job like that?


Leslie: said...

You know I've used every type of contact lens there is on the market right from the old hard ones back in the late '60s up to disposable ones a few years ago. But when my eyes changed to the point that I need bifocals, I gave up and got stylish progressive lenses. You can't see the line and I don't know why I didn't just wear glasses all the time before. They hide a multitude of sins now that my beauty has begun to shall we say crinkle a bit?

jmb said...

I wondered who that Liz was wandering around with no flag but sounded just like you.

Unknown said...

Nasty Blogger! It really ought to stop messing with your blog!

Have you checked for assistance at Blogger Help Publishing?