Thursday, November 01, 2007

Guess who's speaking in church on Sunday?

No, not the Archbishop of Cant, though he is a local boy. Not Billy Graham either. (Is he still alive? I was going to say, 'Is he dead?' but that sounded rather harsh.) No, it's me!

Well, not just me. Alun said he was supposed to be speaking with Chris but Chris couldn't do it so I would do it instead? My mouth did the interrupting the brain thing and said, 'Yes.' Then he told me what we're talking about: Abraham taking his son, Isaac, up the mountain to be sacrificed.


Alun said he thought he'd look at it from an historical angle - the way people in those days were used to sacrificing lambs and doves - and could I talk about it from a modern viewpoint? 'You know: what if God told you today to sacrifice your child?'
'I couldn't do it.'
'No, seriously, if you were absolutely 100% certain that it was God speaking, what would you do?'
'I wouldn't do it.'
'No, think about it.'
'I wouldn't do it.'
'No! Go away and think about it.'

I've thought about it: I still wouldn't do it. (Which will come as a relief to Daughter and Sons I'm sure.) But which will make my bit of the talking quite short.

What I did discover when I was reading up was that Isaac means 'he who laughs'. God promised Abraham that he would be a father to nations, and the first child born to Abraham and his wife, God said was to be called Isaac, he who laughs. Isn't that brilliant? It says such a lot about God.

Although I doubt if Isaac were doing much laughing when his dad took him up the mountain. 'Where's the lamb we're going to sacrifice today then, dad?'
'I was meaning to talk to you about that, Isaac ...'


Anna said...

But you know, all you'd have to do was pretend you're going to do it... "okay... I'm locking my child in the shed now, God... here goes the match..." and then God would say okay, you've proved yourself now, and you could stop. It would just be a case of, you know, fooling God. Right?

Hm. I wouldn't do it, either. Because come on, God, be sensible. I mean really? And anyway, how do you 100% KNOW that God is speaking to you?

So I wonder how come Isaac agreed to it? Do you think he was senile?

Anna said...

I think that if you are 100% sure that God is speaking to you, then you are probably crackers.

That's the only explanation I can come up with. I can see someone being 90% sure that God is telling them something but you can never 100% trust your own brain can you? Anyone who thinks they can must be slightly crackers.

Anna said...

And another thing, are you going to include in your speech that you would tell God no?

Hee hee, maybe you told Alun you'd do it in a flash, and you are just changing the facts slightly for blog purposes...

mdmhvonpa said...

Not to be sexist ... but a mother and her son have an entirely different relationship than that of a father and son. That being said, I'm a bit of a pansy when it comes to children and there would have to be some very COMPELLING reasons other than a booming voice from out of no-where.

Liz Hinds said...

Like if they kept talking when you were trying to watch the football, you mean, mdm?

I found this lovely little bit of Jewish humour when I was researching too, anna; I'll have to post that. Talking about fooling God. Or rather about God fooling us.

Anonymous said...

We sacrifice our children every time to do something which destroys the environment.

And the best way to preserve the environment is to have less children.

Abraham understood that. We've forgotten and will have to relearn the hard way.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, you are very brave.

Gledwood said...

Have you heard about "British Israelism"? It claims that Britain plus many nations of Northern Europe are the lost tribes of Israel... for instance (rather obvious one, this) the tribe of Dan is Danmark=Denmark... and so on...
Also "Saxons"="Isaac's Sons"...

MaryB said...

Nope, I wouldn't do it, either, Liz (sacrifice my child on the word of a booming, bodyless voice).

Make sure someone catches your "sermon" on video so you can post it for us. I look forward to hearing how you handle it! (You'll do great!)

Elsie said...

I could never do it either. Did you ask Alun if he could? I assume by the way he asked he 'thinks' he could.

Good luck with the speech. I'm sure you'll do just great!

Puss-in-Boots said...

I think God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac because he knew Abraham would obey. Whereas, if it was a mother...well, you've proved the point.

Anyhow, wouldn't you want proof the bodiless entity was who he said he was...otherwise we could have sacrificial lambs all over the place...not nice.

Liz Hinds said...

Did Abraham understand, Stu? "Father Abraham had many sons, many sons had father Abraham etc"

Thanks, Ellee. Stupid not brave.

That's interesting, Gleds. I hadn't heard that.

Mary, thanks. I don't know about video but maybe on CD.

Elsie, I'm not sure about Alun (in many ways!!) but we're meeting this afternoon to talk more about it.

I think you're right, robyn, about mothers and fathers and sons. As mdm also said.

I will keep you updated!

James Higham said...

Thought you might have commented on the recent posts on Christianity, Liz. Hoping you would have.

Furtheron said...

Billy Graham still alive - nearly 90 I think.

My sister went to see him at Spree 73 at Earls Court. That was where she was "born again".

Anonymous said...

Where's the lamb we're going to sacrifice today then, dad?'
'I was meaning to talk to you about that, Isaac ...' ROFL!!!!

No I would'nt do it either, not even on a bad day ;0)

Unknown said...

Yep, it’s an excellent text that can be used many ways. Of course, the one who laughed first was Sarah, who giggled because she was very old and God said she was going to have a child. That part of the story always reminded me of my sister who didn’t laugh, but became raving when she received a 40th birthday card that read “I may be 40, but at least I’m not pregnant.” She was pregnant.

Have lots of fun on Sunday!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Great post, Liz. Yes, it does say a lot about God - rather nice stuff, really.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Nope, not a chance...I couldn't do it either.

Godd luck on Sunday'll be brilliant. Oh I do hope someone will tape it.

Crushed said...

Soren Kiergegaard wrote a very interesting essay on this, perhaps one of his best theologically speaking, looking at the dynamics of the situation.

Catholic theoligians have always argued that the whole event foreshadows the crucifiction.

It is the moment man proves itself worthy of redemption, by the willingness of one man of sacrifice his son for God. By that faith, God creates in Abraham the community of Man to preape the world for what he is planning, sacrificing his own son for man.

Ian Appleby said...

Well, Crushed, there I was all ready to jump in and defend fathers - speaking as an agnostic, any God that asked me to murder my own child is not a God worthy of the title, IMNSHO - and you go and make a fascinating and deep theological point at the end.

Liz, would you tell us what conclusions you reach?