It's 10:42 pm and I'm just putting the final touches to my talky bit for tomorrow. Little touches like making sure the print is big enough for me to read it without having to wear my glasses (vanity, thy name is woman). Not that I'm planning on reading it: I just want it there to remind me in case I go blank.
I practised it in the bath tonight. The taps didn't say anything but they didn't boo either so I took that as a good sign.
Time for bed now. Nighty night.
Oh you'll be fine :0)
I'm sure you'll do incredibly well tomorrow. I better go and read over Psalm 63 so I don't stumble whilst reading tomorrow myself.
I sure you did extremely well, Liz! (Didn’t Leslie write that yesterday?)
BTW, for sermons and the like, I have found it easiest to print not only in large type but also only about two-thirds down the page. That way I could glance down without having to look as low as my belly!
Sunday blessings to you!
I used to have to go and tell my life story in prisons, correctional facilities, old folks' homes, and juvenile detention facilities for many years after becoming a Christian. I died about 1000 deaths each time I had to do it because I am NOT a public speaker or even a public, glory-seeking individual. I could easily be a hermit at times, ha! By now as I write this it's all over for you...I'm sorry I didn't see it earlier, because I would've prayed up a storm for you!!! Hope all went well, dear Liz. I hope to email you soon...a lot of 'real life' has erupted here in my corner of the world and I have been pulled in a dozen directions at once, sigh. Hopefully this next week things will calm down a bit!! Hope this finds you well!
I'm sure the taps were cheering, really1
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