Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I'm sorry I haven't done much blog visiting of late: blame George. I'll try to get round people very soon.

Right now though there are two Council workmen on the road outside with strange hand-machines and I can't work out what they're doing. It is such a burden being nosey.


Anonymous said...

take a photo and we'll guess!!!

Ingrid said...

OK I blame George (Bush???)

Liz Hinds said...

I missed them with the camera so now i'll never know!

Goerge Bush is a good one to blame whatever the problem, I think.

mdmhvonpa said...

I'm getting older ... DARN YOU GWB!!!

Liz Hinds said...

I hadn't thought of blaming him for that, mdm! But now you come to mention it ...

Leslie: said...

Well, how DARE they! Imagine coming outside your house and not knocking on the door to let you know what they're about. I wouldn't make THEM any tea, no way no how!

Well, unless they're cute! lol