Daughter introduced me to this book a few years ago and since then I've bought it for every new baby - or at least those whose parents I knew wouldn't object.
It's about a little mole who wakes up one morning to find a pile of poo on his head. He sets off to find out who was responsible. He asks the seagull if it were him; the seagull says, 'No, this is how I do it,' and proceeds to demonstrate. And so on. All the animals Little Mole encounters show him exactly how they do it.
It's great fun - children love anything to do with poo or bottoms - as well as being educational!
I've changed the photo and re-uploaded it but it's still not coming out properly, sorry.
It's a drawing of a little mole with a pile of poo on its head.
Hilarious! Will definitely add it to my list! (Hope it's available in the US.)
When I was little I got The Body Book by Claire Rayner... oh what fun I had reading it on the green in front of an unsuspecting lady doing her washing up... I can still remember her shocked face to this day!!
That sounds like my kind of book, too!
we always tried to buy cameras for the kids around the age of 5 or 6 and it was great fun for them as well.
now that digital cameras are inexpensive it's even better...there's no cost for developing anymore.
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