Daughter and Son-in-law had already spent one weekend digging and had laid out 4 beds and a sitting area. And Daughter had planted garlic and onions in one bed: she was very excited to see that they'd grown!
It's a very large triangular-shaped patch. The photo of Holly is taken from the sitting area looking down on Saturday morning before we started work. the other two photos show what it was like when we left there today with 8 double-length beds dug and a fruit cage frame erected. The last photo on the right is from the bottom corner of the patch. It is 53 woman-strides from one end ot the other. Pretty good, eh? And that was after S-i-l was called into work first thing this morning. (He works in the maxillo-facial department of the hospital and makes new 'bits' for people inured by accident or illness.)
In return for the hard work of Husband and me, we were fed wonderfully by Daughter who is a brilliant cook. We woke on Saturday to the smell of home-made Danish (or should that be Devon?) pastries baking, followed by home-made bread sandwiches and a bean and squash cassoulet for dinner. With scrumptious apple pie and clotted cream after the rugby to cheer us up.
For lunch today we had yummy leek and butter-bean soup with truffle oil - Daughter worked out the recipe after having it at a lovely local restaurant. Nigella? Pah! Daughter can do it without the simpering.
"Inured" ???
Surely "injured"?
Thats just what I need to encourage me to get on with my veggie patch :0)
The food sounds wonderful :0)
Okay, smarty pants, injured it is.
The food was wonderful and, especially after a hard day's physical labour, very satisfying.
What a lovely and large garden! It has me questioning why I live in the city.
I have been planting onions and shallots - also broad beans. Also I have a very short row of potatoes - don't laugh - I hope to dig new potatoes on Christmas day.
WOW! You put a bit more effort into it than I do. I just till the whole durned patch and lay down the plantings. The chicken-wire would not fare well with the tiller-blades.
How's your back? We are moving house, so I will be digging up plants for the next month. Then there is a new garden to develop. Would you and your digging assistant like to come to Australia for a holiday? I'm quite a good cook and the weather is lovely too.
They're great garden beds. It's always so thrilling watching the plants that you've planted grow day by day. I'm doing similar down here at the moment.
Nick, this allotment is part of a field rented out by the parish council. Villagers with small gardens can have areas of it to grow vegetables, fruit or flowers. It is a beautiful Devon village that they live in though.
Mutley, Daughter planted broad beans on Sunday too. I'll suggest the potatoes to her.
mdm, we did work hard. the allotment was overgrown and had been used for cabbages for years so daughter and S-i-l wanted to do teh job really properly.
Colin, my back is surprisingly good. I tried hard to bend properly as taught by my circuit trainer and it seems to have worked. I do have blisters on my hand though! A holiday in Australia sounds good. I'll book our flight straightaway!
Lee, we are eagerly anticipating our share of the goodies next year!
Gosh, you did work hard and Holly obviously enjoyed herself! The food sounds wonderful.
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