It will be on my tombstone: She meant well.
But good intentions aren't always enough. I've done it again, said the wrong thing at the wrong time. I can't say any more than that because of the other people involved; suffice it to say that I am kicking myself again.
* * * * * * * * * *
No change in Harvey, although he did walk a little on his own while I was out.
Liz, Don't let it get to you. If you have apologised as I know you will have then whatever it was should be graciously allowed to drop.
I'll always remember a Dr Seuss quote "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
But ... at least you look fabulous!
Thank God we don't have three feet. I wouldn't be able to stand. Two of them would be in my mouth.
Well, I'll be walking with you, sister. Wonder if that good-intention-paving is smooth, lumpy, dusty, sticky?
Good thoughts for dear Harvs flying your way. Give him a little cuddle for us.
Maybe he's in love?
Don't worry, we all say stuff we didn't mean to say. It will pass...
I'm sorry Harvey isn't himself...glad he walked a little today though.
Oh, Liz, the very fact that you won't say more shows what a good person you are so stop beating yourself up about whatever it is you think you have said inappropriately. Simi and I are rooting for Harvey xxx
Thank you all for your support and good wishes for Harvs.
I think that Dr Seuss quote is really quite apt: the person who mattered didn't mind and the person who minded didn't matter. And I apologised to the one who mattered anyway.
Now just Harvey to worry about!
Glad Dr Seuss put things in perspective for you, Liz. I'm sorry to hear about Harvey. I hope he's ok and is his normal self soon.
Whatchoo torkin bout, Liz? Do you mean the Mary Mary thing? Because Lady Macleod has already apologized for that. So which one are you talking about?
And I tell you now - no need to apologize.pbtgcpw
By the way, sorry for that bit of word verification on the end. I DETEST word verification!!!!!
Newbie visiting from Steve g - I hope it all blows over, I have a tendency to say the wrong thing at the wrong time too.
I hope I know what it is Liz.
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