Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Which is scariest?

Trying to write a story or tidying Younger Son's bedroom?

Yes, I know YS should be doing it himself but he doesn't and I can't stand it much longer. In fact the source of my long-living cold/ear infection is probably his room.

The alternative is to start to write a story. I haven't written a story for a very long time and I am scared. Scared I won't be able to do it, scared it will be rubbish.

Why is writing so frightening? Why would I rather do anything than attempt it? I get the ideas in my head but then there's this horror at the thought of putting them on paper, where they will be shown up for what they are. While they stay in my head, they're safe - they have promise. They're still could-bes: could be great; could be amazing; could be wonderful. Or could be disasters.

I'll need at least one black sack for the rubbish.


sally in norfolk said...

Think positive.....
What ever you write it would be better than i could do :-)

MaryB said...

Here's why it's scary to write - it's the chance of:
1. Finding out I don't have a good enough command of the language or creative turn of phrase to get the stuff in my head onto paper.
2. Revealing too much about myself that could be interpreted/misinterpreted as weird, odd, perverted, shallow, stupid - well, the list goes on.
3. Discovering that I have no gift whatsoever as a writer; I'm just fooling myself and other people.

Writing is downright terrifying! (Be afraid. Be very afraid!) :-)

Mauigirl said...

I can relate. Writer's Block is more than just not knowing what to write. It is that fear that you speak of.

Lee said...

I think cleaning youngest son would be scarier!

You know you are capable of writing, Liz...don't let anything deter you from your dream...even younger son's bedroom!