The grass there hadn't been cut for some time and Harvey doesn't cope well with long grass. His back right leg is especially bad. The paw turns back so that he looks like a ballerina trying to go on tippy-toe. He tripped a couple of times and I had to help him up. (After we'd had a cuddle and a reassuring kiss.) Poor old Harvs.
I thought he was turning into a grumpy old dog as he doesn't wag his tail much these days but Husband said that, as the nerves in his back end are going, it's probably hard work for him to wag his tail. Harvey, the dog who lost his wag. I think he needs to be immortalised in a story.
We met a strange man when we were out. He told me he was a famous inventor. He has invented something called Scoopy-do. He is meeting someone from Crufts next week to try and sell it to them. So when you see it advertised on the television remember: you heard it here first! It's a mousse for spraying on pooh when your dog has pooped on the carpet. I thought he meant it would just disappear in a puff of mousse, but he said you've still got to get rid of it. Now if it disappeared completely that would be a good invention.
Elder Son has obviously inherited his loony magnetism from me.
Next will be a pooper eliminator for babies.
Congrats on the 10 000.
That is so NOT an even remotely useful invention.
As you say, it DOES need to go someway to removing the stuff.
Hairspray for dog doings?
What next?
Hi Liz! Ydych chi'n siarad Cymraeg? Fi'n siarad typyn bach achos oes rhaid imi neud yr iaith Cymraeg yn yr ysgol. Fe ces i TGAU grad A yn Cymraeg... o wel wel! Fi'n anghofio popeth nawr!!
Sorry for that slight diversion there. I actually found you on an Aussie blog but when I saw the Welsh dragon glittering there in the breeze I couldn't resist giving your name a click and saying hi! I'm at gledwood2.blogspot if you want to drop by -- you're most welcome.
All the best!!
Gledwood "vol 2" ...
Hi. You have the loveliest blog. I seem to sing it rather than read it.
The breakfast you asked after was indeed a a simple one. Perhaps it was just described in a less than simple way. I can write far more complexly than I can cook, I assure you.
Thanks for stopping by.
Harvey, the dog who lost his wag. I think he needs to be immortalised in a story.
Oh, that sounds like something you could do well.
Dear old Harvey...give him a cuddle for me, Liz. Tell him his friend from Down Under thinks of him. :)
It's very sad having an ancient dog isn't it? Still as long as he is still enjoying life, that's all that matters
Sooo...what does the mousse do when you spray it on the doggy do?
So sorry Harvs is having a hard time. Give him an extra cuddle from Bailey and me.
As for the poop-stuff, well. I'm always on the lookout for anything that saves me from picking up Bailey's poo in little plastic bags (that can't be very green-friendly, can it?), but Scoopy-Doo doesn't sound like it'd do the trick. Face it, Liz, if we could invent something that really worked, we'd be rich beyond our wildest dreams.
It seems to just cover it in white perfumed mousse. There is a 'lovely' little cartoon on the website and that's what it looks like. But it cleans the carpet at the same time. No, it can't do that. Maybe you move it then spray some more. But then there's nothing amazing about that. So I have no idea!
Aah, poor Harvey. Give him our love. It sounds like your "Scooby" man has invented some sort of "freeze it" spray? I always found it made things worse - sorry!
We have some really good stuff here in the States for cleaning up poo and pee on the carpet. It's called "See Spot Go." Unfortunately you still have to pick up poo yourself but for the pee, all you do is squirt it and then blot a little. No smell, no stain.
Hey hey, nice to see someone else talking about their dog! Mine is only 7 months old, but what did we ever do without her. Going to go look at this invention!
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