Monday, May 14, 2007

30 ways to change your life for the better

Two of the 30 suggestions from a magazine article:

1. Get up 15 minutes earlier each day in order to do one household chore to keep on top of those niggly little jobs.

2. Invest in a dimmer switch - it's the greatest sex and beauty aid known to woman.

Now, let me think: which one shall I do?


Elsie said...

Dimmer switch a sex aid? Whatever happened to candles? THEY are the greatest beauty aid known to woman (botox aside).

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, and cheaper. As long as you don't throw your slinky black negligee (!) on the candle in a moment of passion!

DeeJay said...

Just be sure to turn the dimmer switch back up again before you start the housework!!

Liz Hinds said...


Clare said...

If you have a dimmer switch, or indeed candles, you can't see the dirt anyway...
(Having said that, I've just sneezed about 8 times...maybe I do need to dust!)

Shades said...

This is the downside of energy efficient lamps- not dimmable, not warm enough colour to flatter in the mirror.

MaryB said...

Dimmer switch, definitely. Why, I need those 15 minutes of sleep to maintain my youthful appearance, dahlin'.

Lee said...

Great ideas. I like dim lights far better than bright glaring lights...I burn candles and incense or aromatic oil...not that any of these help as a sex aid...nobody around here to get sexual with!! Where is that tall, dark, handsome stranger when I need him???

Mauigirl said...

I'm with Clare, the dimmer switch covers up the flaws in my housekeeping! That way I don't have to do the chores and can sleep in.

Furtheron said...

Does the dimmer switch thing work for men as well?

jomoore said...

No job could possibly niggle me enough to warrant getting up 15 minutes earlier! I'd much rather be well-rested but dusty...

MaryB said...

Amen, Jo!

So the vote is in, Liz. Go with candles or a dimmer switch. Sleep and live dusty!

Liz Hinds said...

My thoughts entirely!

Anonymous said...

My wife has both. Me to do my share of the tasks and the dimmer switch. What will it be tonight? I think the dimmer (grin).

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Oh, it would have to be the dimmer switch for me!