Sunday, January 21, 2007

He was warned

Husband said, if Harvey barked again, he would get suds on his nose.


Lee said...

He is a beautiful fellow, Harvey! :)

Puss-in-Boots said...

Love photo of Harvey - suds and all! He's a good mate for Shelby, the retriever next door.

DellaB said...

HAHAHA .. thats funny!

Serena said...

Aw, bless his heart. What a sweet, beautiful face, even with suds on it.:)

Anonymous said...

I believe Hubby's actually words were :-
"Harvey's barking again, sud him!"

Anonymous said...

Handsome fella -- he secretly wanted to take a bath and knew just how to get one. They are smarter than us, you know.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Harvey. It's Simi! I think you look cute!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your kind comments. They think that sudsing me shuts me up: you think they'd have learned by now. No offence but humans are not very bright!

Woofs to Simi, Hershey, Frieda and Shelby.