Monday, October 09, 2006

Is exercise good for you?

Husband and I went to the gym yesterday afternoon.

I took my faithful plastic bottle filled with good welsh tap water; husband took the posh bottle he'd brought home from his travels.

At the end of the hour-long session I noticed he hadn't drunk any of his water: he said he couldn't get the lid off.

I gave the bottle to Younger Son when we got home; he opened it no problem.

Incidentally, while away, husband has the opportunity (and the free newspaper) to read the Independent. He occasionally tells me of interesting things he has read.

Did you know that a female trout will fake orgasm in order to encourage the male to ejaculate so the female can move on to her next one?

This raises a number of questions:
1) who on earth studies this practice?
2) and why?
3) who pays them to?
4) what does an orgasmic trout look like?
5) and, most importantly, how can they tell she's faking?


Elsie said...

1. Men
2. Because they're men.
3. Other men.
4. Ask the men.
5. They're experienced men.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love men. But they sure do seem to have one thing on their minds. The trout question was inevitable.

Liz Hinds said...

I think you've got it spot there, Elsie!

Anonymous said...

I like to walk - great exercize !

MaryB said...

Yes - haven't I posted about this sort of thing before? All that study-money for absolutely ridiculous stuff? I'm tellin' ya', Liz, I bet we could come up with 10 or 12 nutty things to get big grant money for. I'm game, when you are!

Clare said...

there has been some research into where teaspoons disappear to. I mean, seriously... I can't get money to research why people can't communicate properly after, say, alzheimer's, but people get paid to find out where TEASPOONS go???

word verification: eectwjsm - possibly the sound of a faking trout?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I should do a study on how people address letters, it's quite fascinating!

Oh and teaspoons go to another time dimension along with socks and pens. What we get back is mysterious bits of black plastic that appear in kitchen junk drawers.