Thursday, October 26, 2006

Death by association

I am killing another plant.

I don't mean to; I love plants. They just don't like being in the same room as me.


Elsie said...

When did you sneak into my house?

Liz Hinds said...

It's probably death by virtual association!

Clare said...

that's a serious power you've got, killing plants over the internet... you've not made it to Tottenham yet (lucky, lucky you) though as my plant is still alive. just...

PS: I think its mean of word verification to give you a word that has v's and w's next to each other. now I've got it wrong and it thinks I'm a hacker!

Liz Hinds said...

I agree with you, Clare, v and w next to each other should be banned. Or two vs one after the other.

Serena said...

Helloooo! My name is Serena and I'm a serial plant killer. I feel bad about it and I've tried to stop, but I just don't seem to be able to help it. I know I'm not supposed to blame it on the victim but, darn it, it's the plant's fault!

12-step, Liz. There must be a program for people like us, people with unholy compulsions to inflict death rays on poor innocent plants. I think I'll write Jerry Springer a letter.:)

Anonymous said...

We recently reorganised our lounge and, by chance, gave the bamboo plant a new position, just 6 inches from its old place. It's thriving. I can take no credit whatsoever.