Friday, August 04, 2006

The Time Traveller's Dog

Harvey has discovered a portal in the space time continuum.

I've known for some years that there is one in this vicinity but I've never found it. I thought it only existed upstairs but I must have been wrong. The sons know about it, accessing it whenever they had revision to do.
'You're not stopping already?'
'I'm having a break; I've been revising for two hours.'
'You've only been upstairs for twenty minutes!'

Now Harvey and I are having similar arguments.

He has to take his tablet half an hour before his meal. We've explained this to him I don't know how many times but he will argue.
'Woof, it's time for my breakfast now.'
'No, it's not; it's only been five minutes since you had your pill.'
'Five minutes my woof! It's been at least an hour!'
'It hasn't.'
Then he sulks ... yes, you do ... wait patiently my hat! ... it's for your own good!

I would like to find the portal. Then, when we have visitors coming, I could spend two hours cleaning to find that only fifteen minutes have passed. What am I saying?! Somebody close the gate quickly!


MaryB said...

Noooooo! Not Time Traveller's Dog! I'm still plowing through Time Traveller's Wife! No more time travelling for a while, whatever the relationship - I've sworn off it! (How's the Dylan monologue coming along, btw?)

Shirley said...

Yeah will we get a preview?

Liz Hinds said...

Umm, when it gets written maybe!

Anonymous said...

Writing and time-travelling dogs apart, have a good weekend with the visitors in your clean home Liz. They do realise they are not allowed to drop so much as a crumb in the dining room or hair in the bathroom, yes?