Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Proof we are not alone

Husband and I had a lovely walk on Brandy Cove this afternoon and I'm delighted to present proof that we are not alone: there is life on other planets.

For the first time ever, a fossilised spaceship has been found (by me).

Just because it's small doesn't mean it's not a spaceship. There is absolutely nothing that says that life on other planets needs be the same dimensions as us. There could well be a highly-developed civilisation living on a titchy planet. They might have visited earth while the dinosaurs were here and decided it wasn't worth them inhabiting the planet, so they left us in peace. Except for the spacemen in this ship who sadly died.

Or they survived and have evolved into the Welsh (a race small and highly intelligent by nature).

Now, why on earth would Spellchecka want to change fossilised into vocalists?

1 comment:

Liz Hinds said...

In case you are worried that i have graffiti'd a piece of vital scientific interest, I haven't. I drew the arrow on the photo on the computer. My rock is undamaged. I am trying to decide with whom I should share my discovery. Max Clifford or the British Museum.