Monday, November 28, 2005

A narrow escape

God must have been watching over me this afternoon in the bookshop.

It wasn't entirely my fault that the books fell on the woman; they must have been a bit unstable before I nudged them. Anyway they only hit her arm, and she didn't mind. She said she didn't and she bought something in spite of me trying to brain her.

Also I didn't set fire to the shop. Or myself. Although it was a close call.

At least a fire would have warmed me up a bit. I am still chilled. Never mind. Off to Thrive now; that will warm me up. Then writers' group. Then bed with my hot water bottle as husband-shaped bed-warmer is in Bournemouth.


Tim said...

Liz I have identified that you could be sectioned for your comments before. When you are talking about braining people and starting fires there's not too much a lawer can do for you. We don't want to lose you to the white coats so try to curb your destructive thoughts!

Anna said...

But was it God or you?

Anyway, are you going to interview Harvey for his Top Five? I know the world is waiting.