Sunday, November 06, 2005


I had to have chocolate.

All because of Rico Gere and Daniel Carter. Well, not just them. Another 13 or so All Blacks helped. 3-41 Very little to be cheerful about for Wales. Massive defensive effort, which took its toll. Hey ho.

Pouring with rain so we're not going to the fireworks at St Helen's so it's going to be a night in with chocolate and West Wing. I can think of worse ways to spend a Saturday.

Now, how up-to-date is my blog? Have I recorded that Rob has a new project to work on? The first few weeks he will be in Madrid from Monday to Friday, then it is supposed to change so that he is only in Madrid for three days a week, and then finally he will only be in London. Very exciting.

Less exciting but still important news is that Neil was diagnosed with a heart murmur this week. He had an ecg on Friday and goes to see the doctor next Thursday for his results. I looked murmurs up on the internet - always a foolish thing to do for a hypochondriac - and it was reasonably reassuring. It is quite likely to be an innocent murmur. I don't think 'innocent' was the word they used but similar; like a benign tumour, it doesn't present the same sort of serious problems. Poor Neil. He does not have brilliant health, what with his hernia and now this.

Drumming was good on Thursday. Less terrifying than the last time I went. Boyd is awfully sweet and encouraging but I am still - along with Mo - worst in the class. Although I am not convinced that the lady sitting next to me was actually playing the right things. But she wasn't looking around panic-stricken, and thus remained undetected.

Did some writing on Jairus's daughter this morning. Actually it was a monologue for Jairus's wife that Caroline will read in prison tomorrow. Caroline, Jez and Tracey are doing the presentations there. In hindsight the team should have been bigger to allow for the fact that Tracy is a beginner at this and a trifle hesitant. However I'm sure they will be fine. Lionel phoned me on Friday morning, after I'd given the names to David, to check that everything was in hand. I think whenever he sees Jez's name he panics. Jez is way too laidback for Lionel's liking. I crossed my fingers and said, 'Everything's fine, well organised.' At that point, the three of them hadn't even managed to get together but it was said in faith rather than a downright lie.

The fireworks are very loud but fortunately Harvey isn't hearing many of them. That is partly due to the television blaring in the lounge and the radio blasting in the kitchen. But it's also due in no small part to his increasing deafness. It has its benefits as my grandfather would have been the first to testify as he turned off his hearing aid when my gran was in a mood.


Jon said...

Liz, I have lost your email address and was wondering if you could email me Alun John's email address. Thanks. Also, I have lost the web address for linden's discussion board.

Liz Hinds said...

Jon, I don't have your email address at home so if you email it'll remind me to send you the info tomorrow.

Actually here is the Linden forum address: