Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Poetry in motion

My cutlery drawer won't open; neither will it close. It's stuck a third-open, which is convenient for getting cutlery out but inconvenient when crumbs drop in it.

Went to see Roger McGough tonight. He was excellent. Very funny and didn't even mention Lily the Pink. I felt quite inspired by his poem about some prison work. I should write a poem. It's better not to think what the men are in prison for.

There is a difference between being pedantic and being grammatically correct.


Jon said...

I have a similar problem with my mouth when watching t.v. Easy to put food in, but lets too much dribble out.

Liz Hinds said...

So it really is true that men can't multi-task!

Alun is a prime example. I compared him to Worzel Gummidge and it took him one and a half hours to realise what I'd said.

Jon said...

Dribbling and watching the T.V at the same time is no mean feat.

Liz Hinds said...

That's true. Julian gets us dribbling in Thrive and my feet certainly aren't mean.

Jon said...

A joy to behold more like.

Jon said...

Nowhere near as offensive as your thong!

Liz Hinds said...

His what?!