Yesterday morning, on awakening, I decided that I would become a philosopher. My reasons for this: there was an item on the news that peole i.e. scientists,had become very excited because they'd observed a gorilla using a tool. (I thought that had already been observed so perhaps i misheard the item.) Anyway this paticular gorilla - or was it a chimp? no, I'm sure it was a gorilla - had tried to cross a stream and found it too deep. Te gorilla had then got a branch from the riverside and used it to test the depth of the wat ahead. The important thing is - in my view - that this was a female gorilla.
Was the male sitting under a tree thinking, how did this river come to be here and where does it go? Both actions I think are equally valid - although if food was on the other side on the river, then the female's was the most helpful. Especially for the preservation of the species.
But then I started thinking that all the famous philosophers were men. And Greek now I come to think of it. So perhaps the right is right for a female Welsh philosopher.
Of course, the male gorilla may already have been swept away by the raging water in the river, no doubt, later to be declared a hero albeit a dead one. The best heros are dead ones because no-one can say anything nasty then.
It is easy being a philosopher; I wish I had thought of it sooner. All these thoughts in my head with nowhere to go now have a place to call home. Thoughts like: is there an 'e' in heros?
Church this morning. Alun on following Jesus. He asked me if I could think of a story about following. The only one I could think of was me not following Michael to the top of a hill. I told it and only realised after sitting down that people probably think I was lazy when actually I was scared. If I am to be a philosopher I will have to speak more clearly than that. Although philosophers usually think slowly. I will also have to use words more accurately. I will not have to speak more clearly - it was not my articulation that was at fault but my telling of the story. So I need to think slowly and not allow myself to be rushed and also to consider what I am saying before the words leave my mouth.
For instance, a wise philosopher would probably not have said that the child's haircut looked as if his father had used a pudding bowl. That was probably not the wisest thing to say. Not to his father anyway. But I am only a trainee philosopher so I will not worry about that. As Colin said, about something completely different where I might or might not have been at fault, that's gone now, passed. I feel already as if a mantle of wisdom has fallen onto my shoulders, grasshopper.
Our bedroom door has started to meiow. It is very lifelike.
1 comment:
I really must learn to type properly. And work out how the spellcheck on this thing works.
Of course the right is not right - although theoretically I suppose it is - but the time is right.
Apologies for the other mistakes; I must remember to check it more thoroughly in future.
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