Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Another day at the coalface

Chris has decided it would be a good idea for all Linden staff to keep a record, for two weeks, of what work they do during the day. It's meant to be completed in half-hourly periods. it is amazing how long it takes to deal with emails. Especially when there are eleven from janet.

I might have upset Alun suggesting he would need to be creative with his completing. We all will need a little creativity. If we want to be seen to be worthwhile. We are, of course, worthwhile, but that might not be totally obvious from our diaries. Jared is worrying but he does a great job.

Emmalee no longer fits in her Dipsy outfit. One button pwonged into space. Cath meanwhile looks slimmer than ever.

Rob and Victoria visited last weekend. It was good to see them. What we saw of them that is. Mostly eating.

Good worship time in the evening. It is very hard to shake off the manacles pinning me to my chair but I did. The wonder of God the creator dying on a rugged cross is most powerful. It's strange how things take on greater significance at some times more than others.

Was lying in bed Monday morning when te thought that I should be somewhere else struck me. It was true; I should have been at shiatsu half an hour earlier. Fortunately Kate was able to fit me in later. It was so completely relaxing I almost dropped off.

I am definitely getting fitter too. A circuit is not as hard work as it was when I started. I still struggle with treadmills and spotty dogs but that is for an altogeter different reason connected with child-bearing. Phil and I usually meet in the loo twenty minutes into the evening.

I started watching 24 tonight while eating a baked potato and salad - how virtuous. I think I could soon be hooked. On 24 that is not pot and salad.

Tim O suggested that I did myself no favours with my 'week in the life of' in In Touch. Maybe that is why Chris has come up with the time-keeping idea.

Registered with a dentist today - just as well as I am getting twinges - but cannot be seen by said dentist until March. Why on earth did Martin Morgan have to go private? I canot believe any dentist doesn't earn enough. And he always seemed such a nice man. Except for his tendency to talk to you while your mouth is wedged with cotton wool. But probably all dentists do that.


Liz Hinds said...

Hi Kris,


Anonymous said...

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