Monday, October 31, 2005

And the beat goes on

I bought a drum in Tenerife!

Or rather Mike bought it for me as an early birthday present. Now all I have to do is learn to play something other than fish and chips.

That is always assuming that it lasts longer than anyhing else I've bought in Tenerife. Last visit a watch we bought for son 2 survived a week before the strap broke; a silver bracelet I bought this time already has a broken catch.

However we bought the drum from a large black man who prodded Mike in the stomach and called him Del Boy. So the entertainment value was high if nothing else.

My brain was up and thinking before I was this morning; it had two good ideas. Sadly my memory is still asleep so can't remember what they were. They must have been good as I leapt out of bed to come downstairs and write them down before I forgot.

While on holiday I was trying to remember the group name of Dipsy, Laa Laa and Poo. There was another one too but its name escapes me. I got up this morning reconciled to the idea that I would have to look it up on the net but, fortunately, the name came to me: Teletubbies. It's strange how things can bother you/me. Most probably only me. Still can't remember the missing one though.

Halloween tonight. Will keep our house dark in the hope that no Trick or Treaters will dare to climb the steps.

Harvey says the Teletubbies were rubbish and he should have been given his own show. I don't know if that would have worked. Yes, Harvs, I know an invisible rabbit had a whole film made about him but that's not quite the same, is it? Why not? Well, it's just not. Oh, stop arguing and go back to sleep.

Ah, yes, my conspiracy theory. I have been trying to acquire, for Uncle John, a copy of a book called 'In God's Name', about the death of Pope John Paul I, who only reigned (?) for 33 days. In the book, the author, David Yallop explains his reasons for believing it was murder! Yes, murder. The book is out of print now so I've been bidding on ebay but every time I've tried, I've been outbid at the last minute. Surely there can't be that many people who genuinely want a copy of the book? Thus my theory is that the Roman Catholic church is buying every copy that becomes available. Why should they do that? Because the author gets too close to the truth obviously.

They've probably already tracked my computer down and marked me out as a potential something or other, so should I choke on a pizza or mysteriously get run down by a moped, tell the police! They shan't get away with it.


Liz Hinds said...

Oh, that confounds my conspiracy theory then. I shall look later, thank you.

In fact dad was topless. So I don't know why he said it. Perhaps because Dad tried to barter with him.

Yes, Tinky Winky sounds right.

Tim said...

Did you know that Tinky Winky was the gay teletubie? There were rumours that him and Po were a little more than friends!

Now I've embarrassed myself with my teletubie knowledge I'll shall leave to research your theory. If I too go missing then assume they're on to me too or that I've joined MI5.

Liz Hinds said...

How could anyone tell that Tinky Winky was gay? They're probably all hermaphrodite anyway.

Jon said...

He was caught on Clapham common being indecent with some Tory MP's.