Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Wow, I'm sooo clever!

So I've created a blog. Not without some difficulty I must say. I cannot believe that someone else with my name has a blog already. And instead of saying, 'No, you can't use that name,' why doesn't it say, 'but try this instead'?

Anyway dotty seems a good style for me.

Charlie is sitting in her favourite chair, Harvey is sleeping in the kitchen (otherwise he would be here to add his own comments) and I'm finding ways to avoid writing.

A case of wine has just arrived - about which I am surprisingly pleased in spite of the fact that I don't drink - and all is well with the world in my little corner. Except for the raining spitting down outside.

Is there a spelcheck on this sytem? See, I can't even type spellcheck properly.

Now let's see if I can publish this.


Liz Hinds said...

Okay, it's there but I don't seem to be able to do anything else.

Now all I have to do is think of something else to write...

Perhaps later.

Liz Hinds said...

Today I have managed to pitch an idea to one magazine and to send a piece to the Evening Post. Wonder if I'll get anywhere with either. The thing about freelance writing is that it is so slow. Getting a response from anyone is like squeezing the remains out of my bottle of conditioner. How long should I wait before deciding that the answer is no but that they haven't bothered to tell me that much?

After raining for most of the day, it sems to have eased off now. Harvey says he would like to go for a walk. Harvey forgets that he is old and doesn't like the rain.

Charlie was sleeping in the basket chair, her ears flattened against her head, while Harvey stood and barked at me. I'm not sure if it was a threatening pose or the pussy equivalent of putting fingers in ears. The former I suspect.

Harvey wonders how long the pesky cat will be staying with us. It's not that he dsilikes her, you understand, simply that he hates anyone except him being given any attention. He feels the same about the keyboard and does his best - quite effectively - to make me stop typing.

Just phoned the hairdresser to make an appointment for next Thursday. Mark happened to answer the phone himself and recognised my voice! I have become a 'woman who has a hairdresser'. But then again I am probably the only old woman whose hair he cuts. I am desperately in need of colouring. It's either that or audition for the role of Badger in Wind in the Willows.

Jon said...

Who's Charlie?

Liz Hinds said...

Hi Jon, Charlie is Anna's cat. She is staying with us until we return her to her family on Saturday after they've settled in their new home. Although I think Charlie prefers me.

Liz Hinds said...

Apparently experts say there is a shortage of conkers in the UK. I think this as I walk under the only conker-bearing tree near our house. It had two this year. But it never has many so perhaps isn't a good measuring stick. But it would be sad to think that conkering, one of the pleasures of autumn, would be no more.

We have to plan our walkies carefully to avoid steps as Harvey can no longer manage them. Oh, sorry, Harvey says he can manage them but that he chooses not to.

WE also have to time them carefully to make sure Charlie is in whenwe go out. My life is ruled by four-legged forces byond my control.

While out we saw a hamster cage in the river. Actually it was mooored, houseboat-style. Unfortunately it was on the opposite bank so I couldn't investigate. Last week, in a cove near Abereiddy, we saw a raft with an armchair and carpet. If I can work out how to do it, I will post a photo later. But have to dry off ready to Thrive now.

Liz Hinds said...

No, I didn't know that Gav was out of the internationals. I see that Shane has had a groin op too. Hope he's fit soon.

Haven't looked at the WRU website for a while but I doubt that tickets will be easily available.

Victoria said...

What are the conker shortage rumours founded on? I haven't seen that many about yet, but the kids in school seem to magically produce conkers from just about anywhere. Pockets, lunch boxes, behind their ears...

Hello Liz by the way! I hope you are well. I love your blog.