My first thought on waking this morning was: drumming class tonight. It's my first one and my initial enthusiasm hasn't waned so much as it's been tempered with trepidation. I have the timing of John Sampson and my co-ordination is even worse. I am liable to make a fool of myself.
But does that matter as long as I enjoy it? My reason for learning is my inability to stand still when music is playing. Maybe I should do dancing instead. Oh, that's right, Harvey, I already do dancing. And look how good I am at that.
It matters not. If this is a midlife crisis, bring it on.
It is a glorious autumn morning. The storm of last night has passed and a squirrel is nibbling a nut at the top of the steps. Charlie, who is sitting on the windowsill, does not like that one bit. She and Harvey shared my salmon last night. (What? You gave her some too? Harvey is sulking now.)
A strange phenomenon has occurred: I cleaned the lounge on Monday and today, Thursday, it is still tidy. I am amazed every time I go in there.
I heard the drumming Liz and all I can say is the whole of our flat are currently looking into finding new hobbies for that night. I did manage to pick out a slightly out of time drone which greatly impressed me. Keep going!
I'm glad I stood out from the many, Tim. It pays to be different, you see.
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