Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Whoops! And again!

Making chilli in Zac's I've had one of those days. I dropped everything that could be dropped, spilled everything that could be spilled, splashed everything that could be splashed, missed every container I aimed for. I spent more time clearing up than cooking.

Anyway, I hope I am now over my accident-prone spell.

Last week I took a video tape to the photographic shop so the man there could convert the film into an MP4 file for me. I wasn't entirely sure what was on the video - it wasn't what I expected. 

You might remember me talking about having been on a BBC workshop back in about 2003. It tied in with the (then) new series the BBC was making called Who Do You Think You Are? 

After each show, if you pressed the Red Button on the controller, you could watch two of the films made by people from the workshop, with a little introductory bit beforehand. They must have filmed me at home but I have no recollection of this. So here is my claim to fame. When I was on the BBC . . . 


Boud said...

Such an interesting story, and so emotional, but presented in cool calm language. Thank you.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a beautiful, and yet sad, film vignette. You were too young when Life dealt you such a traumatic blow. But at the same time, it's such an old, old story, isn't it? Your story and your mother's are part of a river of such heartache.

Kathy G said...

Thanks for sharing.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i think there are so many lies that are held so closely by many families. i had a mother for a short while but i never knew her.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I’m here thanks to Debra She Who Seeks, and I’m so grateful. Such a moving story. You are not only a wonderful writer / story teller, but an exceptional narrator. Thank you for sharing this and thanks to Debra for sharing you!

Marie Smith said...

Powerful and beautifully expressed. A longing and emptiness can fill the spirit from an early age in spite of so much love around us.

Bob said...

I also stopped by because of Debra's link:

What a beautifully sad story. I think we all come from families that have secrets that aren't shared, and yet somehow come out and can be devastating, or harmful, to those still around.

Thanks for sharing your story.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hello from Idaho, came over from "She Who Seek" Hope your day is full of blessing.
Hope you find the time to stop in for a cup of coffee

Mike said...

That's all you need to say.

Tundra Bunny said...

Your mother must have loved and wanted you very much to have kept you in an era when unwed mothers and their children were so cruelly stigmatized by society. A story worth sharing!

e said...

How devastating to feel unloved as a child.
(Visiting from Debra's blog.)

pam nash said...

It is a beautiful story and the thing I heard most was - you were loved.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you all for your comments.

Magic Love Crow said...

Thank you for sharing this story! Very moving! I'm here from Debra! Big Hugs!

Rommy said...

I stopped by from Debra's blog too. Thank you for the moving video.