Sunday, May 31, 2020

Something freaky happened

Something really freaky happened yesterday.

I was in the kitchen preparing the spinach pie and wanted some music. I don't know about you but when faced with Alexa and the whole of Amazon Music to come from I go completely blank.The only artists I can think of are Springsteen, the Beatles and Elvis. That's fine but Alexa does get a bit repetitive. I felt like something sunny and thought of the Beach Boys.

All the usual favourites came along but then Alexa played one I'd never heard before, something about the Bahamas. It was a pleasant little song and in fitting with my mood.

Then yesterday evening we watched the first episode of the new series on Netflix, Space Force. At the very end Steve Carrell is doing something and the very same song from the Beach Boys comes on!

I go fifty years or so never hearing a song and then I hear it twice in one day! How freaky is that?


Marie Smith said...

I love that song. That was unusual to hear it like that!

Polly said...

Yes, that was a bit freaky.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Universe is sending you a definite message! However, what it might be is beyond me.

Terra said...

Oh fun (or spooky) coincidence.

Liz Hinds said...

I like it too now, Marie.

It was, Polly.

Please work it out, Debra! You strike me as a person who regularly receives messages from the universe. Don't let me down.

Yep, Terra.

pam nash said...

Ahhhhh - The Beach Boys. They were a favorite of mine in high school and a favorite still!