Sunday, May 31, 2020

My not-so-brilliant idea

I had a brilliant idea yesterday evening but this morning, when I was going to implement it, I decided that, although it was still a good idea, it might put people at risk.

What I had planned to do was put a box of books on the pavement for people to take if they'd run out of books during lockdown. They could even bring their own and swap if the idea took off.

But then I thought about that nasty little virus and people flicking through books and potentially picking up/sharing bugs. So I won't do it. 

And it really was one of my better ideas.

* * * * * * *
Popped out this morning to buy some bread flour and yeast so I took the opportunity to wear the mask daughter made for me. Admittedly I look rather as if I'm the one to have seen a scary pirate.
Because flour is in such short supply in the supermarkets a local woman, Ruth Cronin, has taken to buying it wholesale in huge quantities and selling it on to the public from her patio doors. She stocks all sorts of flour as well as yeast and sugar. She weighs and bags it ready for customers and puts in a huge amount of work not to mention the fact that her home is taken over by baking ingredients. And the money she makes goes to the foodbank at Red Cafe. She's an amazing woman.

I feared the main road would be very busy with people trying to go to Mumbles or the beach but it was pleasingly empty. People must be showing restraint. 

In Wales, as from tomorrow, we are allowed to meet with family, as long as it's outdoors and we keep the 2 metres distance. We're still not allowed to travel more than five miles radius though. So we could just get to Daughter's but not to Younger Son's. However they're worse than the government when it comes to telling us we should be isolating. 

* * * * * * *
To finish off here's my spinach and feta pie from yesterday's dinner.

And a very blurry glimpse of the inside.


LL Cool Joe said...

That pie looks delicious!

Love the mask, I'm only wearing the boring blue medical ones that I bought from China months ago. I do now have a black fabric one.

I think Wales is safer than here in the South East of England. I haven't really been out since lockdown.

My older daughter has managed to get some flour for bread.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

First of all, that mask should ONLY be worn with a black eye patch.

Second of all, your spinach/feta/phyllo-topped pie looks delicious! And are those tomatoes I detect inside as well?

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, Joe, it was. I don't go out much so I'm saving the mask for the odd occasions I need to, like collecting prescriptions, either for us or George.

I agree about the eye patch, Debra. I'm sure I have one somewhere. And, yes, sun-dried tomatoes in the pie.