Monday, February 24, 2020

No job? Just throw the dice

An article in The Economist, no less, reports that the most likely result when you throw two dice is ... wait for it ... seven.

When you roll two dice you have a greater chance of getting seven than any other number. In fact you have a one in six chance. (Or possibly seven; Husband told me and i don't recall exactly.)

Discussing this, and why such a report should be in The Economist, we concluded that it is Boris Johnson's latest financial strategy to get us out of economic peril.

'Don't worry if you don't have a job. Just hit the casino and bet all your money on seven and you'll be fine.'


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm heading straight for the casino right now! Baby needs a new pair of shoes!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Six out of 36, so a 1 in 6 chance, Liz. Husband is right.

Marie Smith said...

I don’t gamble but nice to know. Lol.