At everything. Tackling one flaw at a time would be too time-consuming - I don't have that many years left on the planet - so I'm planning a general betterment scheme,
I started today, in Singleton Park, on the path to becoming a tree expert. With my Wheel of Trees I began the learning process. But let me tell you it's not as easy as you might think.
Now I'm okay on oaks and conker trees but is this a Field Maple (sounds unlikely) or a sycamore (not convinced)? Or neither? Its leaves don't exactly match either.
It seems I need at least one or two extra criteria in order to confidently be able to identify my birch from my beech. Like trunk colour and texture for example. You see, I already have the ... technology - no, language - mm, not exactly, dictionary - VOCABULARY! Trunk. That's a good tree expert word.
I probably also need to be able to remember names from one tree to the next before I can rightfully claim expert level. But isn't my little wheel fun?
When in doubt, ask a friend ;-)
If at first you don't suck seed, tree tree again ;-)
What if you don't have a friend, Cherrypie!
Ha ha!
What a handy little gadget! I've got an app on my phone called "leafsnap" that's supposed to identify trees from their leaves. But it's yet to give me the right answer:) I know the difference between alternate and opposite leaf pattern, but when they start talking about petioles and such, my eyes glaze over.
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