Thursday, November 06, 2008

Dona nobis pacem


Anonymous said...

Phew, that's a biggie. I am starting with being at peace with myself.


CalumCarr said...

Saw this at jmb's, looked it up, saw what to do and could't be bothered.

What does that say about me?


James Higham said...

Oh, I go weak when you talk Latin.

Ingrid said...

Peace and Love to you !

Liz Hinds said...

That would be nice, hulla! It's a dream not a 'this-is-where-i-am' statement!

That you're a lazy son'n'so, calum.

Amo, amas, amat, james.

And to you, gattina!

jmb said...

Peace be with you Liz and to us all some day.

Anonymous said...

you're the second blogger today where I've seen this. Maybe one day...

CherryPie said...

That is a wonderful quote, I do try to follow that path!

Mimi Lenox said...

What a wonderful peace globe! You are #1322 in the Peace Globe Gallery.
Hope you enjoyed and were inspired by this BlogBlast.

Peace to you and yours,