Sunday, January 19, 2025

Chinese whispers

According to the label it's a traffic counting camera. This is interesting for two reasons:
it's in the middle of the woods;
it's pointing up into the trees.
Is it squirrel counting? Or has some mischievous motorbike scrambler changed the angle? Not that there are enough to justify a camera.

Or it could be a secret Chinese receiver picking up everything we say. 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The frustration of the long-waiting patient

On Monday Husband emailed the consultant's secretary to ask if there were any news on when his op might be. On Wednesday she replied saying she'd speak to the doctor about it.

On Thursday I emailed the secretary - Husband was reluctant to give me the contact details initially - and said that it was now thirty-six (36) weeks since we'd been told that his condition had changed from moderate to severe, and asking her to make sure the doctor was aware of how much deterioration I had noticed in his condition since he'd last been seen. I was very polite.

On Friday Husband emailed the secretary again asking if there were any news.

Last night I went to bed feeling cross, frustrated, and helpless. If I'm in this state how much worse must it be for him?

I know they're busy and the NHS is struggling with lots of flu cases on top of its normal load but, in Cardiac, they're dealing with seriously ill patients who are just asking to be acknowledged, heard. Is a short email response so difficult? Even if it says you're going to have wait another three months. (Please no.) At the start of September we were told it would likely be within six to eight weeks.

I got very excited this morning when a letter arrived for Husband from the hospital. But it was only from another department saying some blood tests he'd had were normal.

Sorry, I just needed a rant. I'm going to prune some roses now. Watch out rose bushes!


The lady I emailed to ask about pruning leggy roses said to be ruthless and that roses are hardy. Now I've attacked them I hope so.

The history of the hat

See that hat? It's got a history all of its own.

Husband bought it in 1975 when he got his open-topped MG. In 2008 he took it with him to Canada on our holiday. Then he left it Middle Beach Lodge in Tofino on Vancouver Island.

The hotel is on that bit of headland behind him.

Because it had sentimental value for him when we got home he wrote to the hotel and said he'd left his hat there. They said it had been found and sent it back to him. What lovely Canadians!

Cassy O

Since Husband dug out the old music machine and I've been able to listen to cds I've enjoyed George Ezra again. I was listening to him singing Cassy O this morning when something struck me: he's not singing about a girl; he's singing about his Casio watch!

Although the video features girls if you listen to the words there are lots about different aspects of time. Mr Ezra himself says he was just messing around with words but I know the truth: it's a love song to his watch.

Cassy's got a new plan, gotta get herself away

Well, I'd better act quick, yeah, I'd better ch-ch-change my ways

Oh, maybe I'm wasting, maybe I'm chasing time

Oh, come on, let's face it, I'm only ever lost in mine

Well, I've got my tracing paper so that I could trace my clock

And the bastard face kept changing, and the hands, they wouldn't stop

Well, I was ripping out the battery, I received myself a shock

And to add insult to injury, I could still hear it tick and tock

Cassy O

Cassy O

Please don't leave

Cassy's got a new plan, gotta give herself a break

And I try, I try, I try, for heaven's sake

Well, I travelled to Australia

And I travelled there by train

This something might sound strange to you

But on the way I gained a day

And I wrote to tell my family

And I wrote to tell my friends

I arrived home, it was lost again and this torture never ends

Inspector, fix me, my Cassy O's burnt out

We're losing memories that I can't replace

She says she's tired of me running in circles

She says it's time that we took a break

Friday, January 17, 2025

Failure to load correctly

In the car on my way to meet Vivien at Verdi's for brunch (hazelnut sundae as usual since you ask) I switched on the radio just as the morning service was starting. They began to sing the old hymn, What a friend we have in Jesus, except it was the wrong tune. 

It took me a moment to work out what was wrong and then I realised they were singing it to the music of Calon Lan, an old Welsh hymn. It was very disorientating.

* * * * *

Our walk this afternoon took us along Swansea bay.

Then back to the library for Husband to do genealogy and me to do some Thessalonians research using real books! When I'd got as much out of the commentary as I could, I tried reading a Welsh magazine aimed at learners. 

While I could understand words here and there I floundered when it came to putting them together into sentences. However I did read most of this story - even though I didn't really understand what it was about. 

Two shillings' worth please

I had cause to go to Davies the Baker yesterday and when I was there I spotted some custard tarts.

When I was a little girl my grandmother would send me, maybe once every week or two, up the lane to Davies the Baker's shop. The shop was on a little side road of terraced houses. The bakery was behind the house and the front room served as the shop. I had to ask for two shillings' worth of cakes and I could choose them.

My favourite was an iced bun but I always put a custard tart in with the mix of five or six cakes. Seeing them in the shop yesterday I had to buy a couple to take home and have with a cup of tea.

Today Davies the Baker's has a large shop and cafe on the main road in Mumbles as well as at least one other branch in Swansea. I wonder if they still use the same bakery.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

A mixed day

Church writing group second meeting. Eight of us there. Went well, room v. hot. Meeting afterwards about the quiz and curry night I'm helping to organise. Realise it's not as simple as I thought.

Elder Son brought us our dinner: not-Nigerian chicken and rice. Delicious

Trouble with having a 'holiday' is that it's even harder to remember what you do all day. Janet brought her daughter round in the evening to witness our will and Power of Attorneys signings. Financial already done, this one was health. Incredibly complicated and lots of paper print-out.

Early morning (9.30 am) walk with daughter and Louie and Toby. The low mist that had settled overnight lifted as I arrived at Daughter's and our walk was beautifully sunny. Amazing breakers, terrible photos of the sea.

I was trying out the macro setting on my new phone camera. This was taken on normal setting.

While this was taken on macro.
I am either too close, too far away, or too wobbly.

Today has been a mixed day in that I stopped myself saying something that I'm not sure I should, but I also said something in the wrong place. So my 'Think Before You Speak/Write' policy is not working 100% today. 

That said, I am quite proud of myself for deleting the email I planned to send - and that was after I'd modified and softened it several times.

GrandSon3's eleventh birthday today. To celebrate he's going football training as usual. He is football crazy and very determined. We are popping around to see him briefly in between school and off.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Pride, fall etc

So now it seems, unless I have got it wrong, which wouldn't be entirely out of the question, that I have two 365 subscriptions. One is the paid one I got as trustee, the other - well, I possibly installed by accident thinking it was the other one. Or it might just have appeared by magic. Both equally likely.

Just when I thought I'm getting the hang of this, I realised I wasn't at all. The thing is, my free subscription has 5gb of cloud storage - and mine is already full, which seems pretty amazing to me as I didn't know I had it.

So I'm thinking, can I use cloud storage from my other account for personal use? Or will that show to everyone? If I can, how do I do it?

I've just been for a short walk with Husband to clear my head so I'll come back to this tomorrow or maybe the next day or maybe never.

And remember I said I'd worked out his very simple way of transferring photos from phone to pc? Yes? Well, it's decided to disconnect itself. 

I'm going to the kitchen now to do some cooking. Before I throw something. And in the hope that the computer fairy works its magic and makes everything right again by the time I get back.

Techno stuff

First day of my holiday began with me tidying up before my cleaner came. I do more tidying in the hour before she arrives than I do the fortnight in between. Also put in washing, and considered fitness trackers. Not for me but as a present.

Am bemused when I read one such tracker can be used to remotely control your phone to take a photo.

As if that isn't baffling enough I do what I've been half-heartedly trying to do for almost a year: I install Microsoft 365. (I think.) I had it as a perk of being a trustee but haven't been able to work out what it does that is so great - until today! 

There is something called OneNote - yes, you probably already know about it - and I can write and draw on it. In fact it says you use it to replace your paper notebook, after I had googled to find out what it was for. Well, that's not going to happen but I had a fun five minutes doodling.

But on another page it says, Coming Soon! The Microsoft 365 app will become the Microsoft 365 Copilot app with a new URL

Obviously as soon as I get to grips with one piece of technology they're going to replace it.

In other news did you know that it is Mr Webster, of dictionary fame, who is responsible for Americans spelling things wrongly? He took the u out of colour etc. He also had a lot of other crazier ideas that were stomped on otherwise American might have been a completely different language.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

If this world in which we live in

Thank you for your advice. I've just found out that it's easy to share from my android phone to my pc. It took me a long way around the houses to get there - and in fact was trying to do something completely different when I discovered the method - but I am happy now.

So here's a picture of ice.

And here's our new bedding.

With our snug Christmas bedding I remembered how much I loved flannelette sheets so looked for some more and chose these. I confess I chose them with Husband's operation in mind: he bleeds easily and, if I can't get the stain out, at least it won't show so much. Have you ever found a washing powder that does what it says i.e. gets out blood and grass stains?

I've fallen for and tried so many different options but none of them really work, even if I use a pre-wash stain remover.

Now all I have to do is go back to what I was looking for in the beginning - how to set up Microsoft 365 since you ask. As a trustee of Zac's I was given a free copy but so far can't work out how to use it.

Maybe I'll tackle that tomorrow.

I was going to title this post Blood on the sheets but realised it sounded a little like an ancient marriage ritual where sheets had to be displayed to all and sundry the morning after consummation.

Oh yes, and one more thing. Monty leading us into a time of prayer htis morning was bemoaning the state of the world and he said, "in this world in which we live in . . ." and after that I don't know what he said because I was trying to remember the song that comes from. I could sing that bit but couldn't get the title for ages.

And one more thing! This morning after church I was asked to give a talk, not until July so I have plenty of time to relax before I panic. Only problem I missed what she said the group was, and also I'm not sure of her name. But I'm sure things will become clearer near the date.

(Live and let die.)

Saturday, January 11, 2025


I am very tired, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Normally I'd work through it but as we're still hoping that Husband will have his op in late January/early February, and things can only get harder then, temporarily at least, I decided to book myself a week off.

I'd like to say, "In a spa hotel," but that's not going to happen. What is happening is that I'm not going to do my volunteering on Wednesday and Friday, and we're going to eat ready meals or the equivalent all week. (It's the thought of planning food as much as anything that grinds me down!)

I messaged Stu in Zac's early this morning to ask/tell him I wouldn't be in, before I could chicken out and guilt got the better of me.

* * * * *

This afternoon we walked with GrandSon1 and Toby and had great fun breaking ice. I would show you a photo if the connection between my new phone and my pc would work. What do you use most, phones or pcs? 

I use my pc for just about everything so need a good method to get photos from phone to pc. I currently use Phonelink - or would if it would work - but that doesn't share videos either.

Incidentally GrandSon1 is learning Japanese on Duolingo. He will probably be fluent in Japanese before I am in Welsh.