Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Mission Impossible

Wearing a black polo neck jumper I feel I should be doing impossible tasks. I consider cleaning the kitchen floor. Shake my head. No, that is a job for Tom Cruise or Husband, whoever offers first. 


Husband has taken Mini for her MOT and, no sooner is he out of the door than I switch on the dishwasher! My black polo neck is responsible for this act of daring. When Husband comes home he will insist we could have got another five items in at least. (We couldn't; it's full to any normal eye. This, I tell him, is why all our dishes get chipped.)

In Christmas news I am inspired - at last - re Daughter's presents. I am also very much enjoying a Christmas-themed book that I will review when I finish. 

Husband also made the mistake of telling me that as he hasn't been doing his usual financial organising we appear to have lots of money in our account. I've just ordered a new microwave and some Christmassy bed linen. 

Last year I worked very hard to not use Amazon; this year I've crumbled. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

So full of daring and energy! I hear that iconic theme song playing in the background!

Boud said...

I have a black turtleneck. I wonder if mine will work like yours. Hmm. Except I banished dishwashers many years ago, after a series of disasters involving one fire and one flood. But I wasn't wearing the BTN, maybe that's why.

Marie Smith said...

We have shopped locally this year and avoided Amazon like the plague. We hope it helps local businesses which are really suffering.

Kathy G said...

If you can get that much done wearing that black polo neck maybe you should purchase a couple more?