Thursday, November 26, 2020

A masterclass in How Not to Do a Book Launch

I spend years writing and producing my book, planning and organising the promotion and the book launch, and for what?
To have the whole event hijacked by George, the undoubted star of the show.
In case you don't have time or inclination to watch the whole thing, here's his bit.


Marie Smith said...

Lol. Reminds me of the pundit who was commenting from home to some cable program and his children entered the room followed by his wife rushing them out.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

That's so very 2020!

Liz Hinds said...

It does, doesn't it, Marie.

And so very me, Sonata!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

George knows how to make an entrance alright!

PipeTobacco said...

Hah! George is thirsty for attention, perhaps. :)

I assume you were having your event in your home office/den/library room? It is very pretty! I like the wall color and the various items on the built-in shelves look nice and decorative in a den/office/library fashion!

I listened to the whole book launch, and thought it did go well.... perhaps you are being too hard on yourself. I though it was very nice!

A couple of questions, though.... was this done as part of an “event” of some sort? Like perhaps as part of a bookseller’s or library’s promotion of your work.... or was this meant as a stand alone effort of yours for continual use on your books website/blog? Or was it for another purpose?

You had said earlier that this is a self published book.... or perhaps a print on demand book.... is it done by Amazon.... or is there another publisher that makes it and then uses Amazon for point of sale?

It is such an interesting concept. I would love, when you eventually have time.... for you to discuss what it is like for you in terms of the “self-publishing” process.


pam nash said...

Hey! sound effects are always good!