Friday, July 03, 2020

Coming out of lockdown

Husband has gone to see the doctor today for his overdue heart medication check-up.
On Monday I'm taking George to the vet for his overdue injections.

This is what coming out of lockdown means for us.

* * * * * *
It's raining today so I'm thinking about washing some towels. 

If I wash them when it's sunny I feel obliged to hang them on the line to dry, and that makes them stiff. Putting them in the tumble dryer when the sun is blazing down makes me feel guilty.

So I wait until the rain comes so I can feel justified in putting them in the tumble dryer.

Yes, I know there's illogic in there somewhere but we all have our little foibles.

* * * * * *
Just heard the Transport Secretary defend Boris Johnson's father's trip to Greece which goes against the 'advice'. 'It's only advice and everyone has to make their own decision.'

Big sighs yet again as people all over the country make their own decisions about whether or not to take the advice - about travelling, socially distancing, wearing a mask, being a prat.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Do as I say, not as I do." That's always the mantra of the high and mighty.

Cop Car said...

As Debra wrote - and too many of us think only of ourselves instead of our fellow humans. We are like the "Wild West" here in Kansas. The legislature (ruled by republicans) fights our governor (who is a democrat - legislature took away some of her "powers" in retribution) who follows medical advice. She has just put into place a "wear masks in public" directive; but, each county's governing body can do with it what they will. Our county commission voted 3-to-2 that our county would follow the mask directive - only as a recommendation rather than a mandate. Guess which three of our commission are republicans. Idiotic.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Off Topic :
So BoJo now has an airplane newly painted with the Union Jack on the tail....
upside down :-(

Marie Smith said...

Infuriating!so much for setting the example in the prime minister’s own family.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...
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SmitoniusAndSonata said...

'Rules are for other people' would appear to be the Johnson family motto. An unattractive trait.

Cop Car said...

Perhaps not as much as in the States; but, perhaps the person who installed the Union Jack feels that the UK is in distress.

pam nash said...

Here in TX, when the isolation order was dropped many, many, many people showed that they're stupid. And, as a result, many, many, many are now sick with COVID19,