Sunday, March 29, 2020

My prophetic dream

I had a dream. (No-one's said that before, have they?) Anyway this was a prophetic  dream. in my dream I was told the answer to Covid-19 was ...


Now my dream didn't specify but I believe we are talking green beans. 

What do we do with them, I hear you ask. Well, again the dream didn't specify - God is like that, ask Joseph, he of the multi-coloured coat - but I offer up the following suggestion.

Stick them up your nose.

Then the virus won't be able to get in. At least not through your nose.

And this is why I think they're green not baked beans we're talking about. It's far too easy to push baked beans too far up, and hospitals won't be able to cope with an influx of 'I've got a bean stuck up my nose' patients.

So there you have it. My prophetic response to the virus, which incidentally I am calling Covid-20 because it sounds much more pleasing for all sorts of reasons.

For legal reasons, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You've been watching too many Monty Python reruns on TV again, haven't you.

Cop Car said...

I cooked up a batch of Great Northern bean soup, yesterday. Can I substitute that up my nose for the green beans?

Chuck Pergiel said...


Yorkshire Pudding said...

I have heard that it is possible to get The Plague through your eyeballs. Which vegetable do you recommend sticking in one's eyes? I have tried parsnips but the results are inconclusive.

Ole Phat Stu said...

No, Liz, sticking beans up your nose will kill you;
you'll become a has bean ;-)

Marie Smith said...

Lol. An entertaining dream at least!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Does one top and tail them first?

pam nash said...

hahahahaha! Thank you so much!

Liz Hinds said...

No, It was a heaven-sent dream, Debra! Honest.

I think, if it's thick enough, that would work too, copCar.

Chuck, snirk!

Yorkshire Pudding, spinach lighted wilted will do the trick.

Very good, Stu.

Marie, better than some it's true.

Oh definitely, Sonata. You don't want those spikey bits sticking up your orifices.

Pleasure, Pam.