Thursday, November 14, 2019

Finding my feet

After about forty minutes I finally managed to get the theme tune from Peaky Blinders loaded onto my new phone as my ringtone!

I am quite impressed with myself. I am still finding my way around it although I did resolve the unexplained beeping - by turning off the sound.

The main reason I wanted a new phone was for the camera, something smaller and less fragile to carry than my proper camera. I am sure it could do a whole lot more clever things if I asked it - which reminds me: I met my friend, Vivien, today and she has the same phone and has a step counter app that I plan to install.

Vivien very generously bought me my ice cream - and my toasted teacake later when we were still sitting there chatting about this, that and everything else, except Brexit. Needless to say my diet has gone a bit shipshapeless this week but you only get a birthday once a year.

Speaking of birthdays, here's my birthday dinner, Husband's speciality, shepherd's pie.

And, yes, we had it on trays in front of the television like proper old people. To complete the image we watched a film, Finding Your Feet, about older people. Full of classy British actors and very entertaining.

Incidentally in exercise class, Jim, the teacher, said, 'Are you really 67?' He thought I was in my late fifties.

I don't care if he's lying. That'll do for me.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You do actually look quite a bit younger than your age, if your blog photos are any indication.

Marie Smith said...

Your birthday dinner looks delicious. It looks like your husband is a good cook.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Another excellent're on a roll!

Liz Hinds said...

Why thank you, Debra! I only use flattering photos!

When he puts his mind to it he is, Marie.

But a tricky day ahead today, Sonata, to make up for it!

Leslie: said...

Not sure if I sent you birthday wishes before, but sending some now! And I agree with others that you don't look your age. I thought I was WAY older than you but I'm really not.
I'm going to get a new phone, too, as it takes so long to charge and the cord is always loose which doesn't help. Like everything else these days, it seems you have to replace things rather than get them repaired!